16(IX)3 petitioning to change sexual misconduct policy and procedure

They need your signatures to help present their plan to the Board of Visitors

16(IX)3 is a student group calling for change in William and Mary’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure. They have created a petition to be presented to the Board of Visitors and are asking for signatures to support their cause. Signature collecting ends today at 12pm.

The petition includes calling for improved sexual assault education during new student orientation, and to make it more nuanced and applicable to college students lives and rights. The group is also asking the college to utilize a reporting system called Callisto to help prevent future assault.

16ix3 asks that a panel be created to investigate sexual misconduct, as well as a peer advisor system to help reporting parties and respondents through the investigation process. In addition, they want certain terms relating to sexual assault to be better defined with clear repercussions. The petition asks that repeat offenders be expelled, and alumni found guilty of sexual assault be forbidden from returning to campus.

The group also petitions for the school to more closely follow the Clery Act and notify the student body of reported sexual assault in a more timely manner.

You can sign the petition here.

William & Mary: College of William and Mary