Meet the hottest Hokie football recruits of 2017
Because this is the real reason we love National Signing Day
It’s been a little over a month since we (miraculously) dominated in the Belk Bowl. While the win brought the end of Hokie football season, it was the beginning of committing season. On the 1st, high school seniors signed their letters of commitment to play with the Hokies next year.
Who are they? How talented are they? What will they bring to the table? But more importantly…are they cute?
Take a look for yourself at a few of VT’s hottest recruits.
Dylan Rivers
Aw, look at that smile.
Sean Savoy
Intense focus = hot
Hezekiah Grimsley
Those dreads, though… *heart eyes emoji*
Bryce Watts
The smile, the hair, the eyebrows. Enough said.
Welcome to Hokie fam guys!