Meet Tank, the Corps of Cadets dog

‘Cadets aren’t very lovable, but the dog certainly is’

Growley II, also known as Tank, is a three-year-old English Labrador Retriever. He failed out of service dog training after 18 months because he was too friendly. That’s when Senior Cadet Zack Sever thought of a great opportunity to create a link between the Corps of Cadets and the civilians on campus.

Where does his name come from?

Growley II is his official name in the Corps. Back in the early 1900s, the Commandant had a dog named Growley. This name came from the formation call every morning, which announces which uniform the corps will wear that day. The freshmen, to this day, go through the halls yelling “First call to growley!” (The real military call says “First call to rally,” but the Corps changed it to growley early on.)

Tank is the name he’s had since he was born, and it’s the name he answers to. Though it sounds confusing for a dog to have two names, it is really convenient at events. At the homecoming parade, for example, when people shout for Growley, he doesn’t lose his concentration because he doesn’t know to answer to that name. The handlers can give him commands as Tank and he’ll respond.

How was the handler staff chosen?

There are six cadets on staff: two seniors, two juniors and two sophomores. Tank lives with us [the seniors] in our room, and next year he’ll live with the current junior handlers. In the spring we’ll be having a “tapping” process, about eight weeks long, for current freshmen to join the staff.

What are the rules for civilians? Can we pet him?

Absolutely! As long as you ask first, in case we’re on our way to an event, we’re more than happy to let anyone pet him and take pictures! He’s very friendly, so we’d love that!

What is he like at football games?

I’m convinced he knows when we score. He gets so excited during the games, so he’s fun to watch. He also likes to jump up on the padded wall of South EndZone for people to pet him. We also go to the President’s box during halftime to visit.

Why bring a dog to the Corps?

I first brought the idea to the Commandant in April because we need a positive tradition in the Corps. So often, traditions die out or just aren’t appropriate anymore because of the nature of them since most began in the 1800s. This also gave us a symbol to connect the Corps with the civilians. It makes us more approachable. Cadets aren’t very lovable, but a dog certainly is.

Tank has been great for both the Corps and for campus as a whole. He wears the same uniform as the rest of the Corps each day, and everyone is always wanting to stop and say hi. We love that. I hope this tradition will continue long after I graduate. I hope to come back as an alumni and meet Growley VI. That’d be really cool. 

Special thanks to Cadets Zack Sever and Jeff Zander.

Virginia Tech