Everything you learn your first year at Tech

Getting dressed up for class isn’t a thing

Everyone has had that unique freshman experience. Some are humorous, and some you just can’t avoid! But by the end of your first year you’ll learn a lot…

The walk to class isn’t so bad

Coming into college, everyone dreaded that 15 minute walk from the dorm to the lecture hall. Unfortunately freshman, beware – for the commute only gets worse as you go through the years. Try having to find parking on campus! The 15 minute walk is no longer as bad once you have experienced the parking struggle that you will have to overcome the next three years of your career. In addition, from one end to the other end of campus is only 15 minutes—which means it can only take so long for you to get to class. Enjoy the stroll while you can. It’s good exercise while burning off that great campus food!

The drive home becomes longer, and four hours plus is more than enough distance between home and school

When first applying to colleges, we all know we want to get as far away from home as possible. Unfortunately, we never had to make the drive ourselves, and now that we are, a four hour drive feels like a lifetime. Everyone here seems to live four hours away no matter which direction, and after making that drive once or twice, it only gets longer. Being a little closer may have not been such a bad idea.

Roommates can definitely be scary, but also can become your greatest friends

Sharing a room can sound frightening, especially when you have never met the person. Embrace it. You only have to do it once. They may have weird tendencies, but sometimes when you need to just vent at 3am, they will be there whether they like it or not. Sharing such crazy late night experiences will draw you closer and make your freshman year that much easier.

Everybody poops

Have you ever been told not to poop in public? Well, now you have no choice. Community style bathrooms don’t let you do your business in private anymore. Sometimes, even the longest, loudest shower from your hallmate may not be enough to drown out the noises coming from your stall. It becomes known, and it is a fact of life. Everyone poops. Freshman year is the time to learn how to do it faster.

The walk of shame sometimes is necessary

Sometimes we hear about the walk of shame and immediately think of that one-night-stand. That stereotype will follow you as you roll out of bed and back to campus. Although it sounds embarrassing, at times, it is a must! Having upperclassmen friends with sweet cribs and parties may make you rethink taking the bus home. That Blacksburg Transit is sometimes too sneaky and forgets to pick us up…or do we forget when to catch it? Who cares! Take the stride with some pride! You had a great night before, so don’t let the next morning stares keep you from enjoying your nights here.

Drunk in public is no longer a felony, just a comedy act

Fortunately, being in college brings everyone together and sometimes stupidity can be overlooked. We have all met that one person who can’t control themselves once they had a drink or two. It can make for a pretty comical night leaving you with some great pictures. Virginia Tech police are there to help you home. They are understanding, but also want you to be safe while doing it. But yes, you still can get a drunk in public, so don’t let the humor (and alcohol) get the best of you.

Scheduling becomes a very strategic process

Freshman year, it is hard to pick the right classes at the right times. We just get too excited that we are finally in college to pay attention to all the 8am classes we signed up for. Now, you have all the tools you need! You now know your night life schedule to know what you can and cannot make in the mornings. And yes, Friday classes become optional. Scheduling only becomes harder to make the semester easier.

Getting dressed for class is never an option (especially with Blacksburg weather)

Remember “back to school” shopping? Throw that out the window. Keep the extra cash because you need it for other important things like food and entertainment. Getting dressed for class lasts for the first two days, and then it’s an easy choice: sweats for eternity. No one gets dressed for class anymore because we don’t have anyone to impress (at least while sitting in a lecture). And unfortunately, even Mother Nature doesn’t want you to impress anyone either. Blacksburg weather is too bipolar for you to figure out what is a good outfit that will last the entire day. Sweats, light jacket and an umbrella will do just fine for the trek to class.

25,000 people suddenly becomes smaller

Did Virginia Tech sound like a big school at first? Now your 300 student lecture is not as bad because you have ample opportunity to meet a new person every day, and when necessary, meet your professor (yikes). Suddenly, after meeting many people freshman year, you see them all over campus—and additionally, you realize they also know a friend of a friend of a friend. Everyone is connected! Somehow, this “large” campus becomes small.

Being best friends with your parents or siblings is no longer “uncool”

I know, I know. Family can sometimes be lame. But once being away for a while, you begin to realize that family becomes the only thing that can stay stagnant at times. Friends can come and go, grades go up and down, and your bank account is constantly dropping. Sometimes that phone call home can be just what you need! Family becomes a great support system rather than a drag. As you mature throughout your college career, you realize that your mom now knows more about your life than she ever wanted to—just because you want to tell her every exciting tailgate and night before you had…plus your grades of course.

Virginia Tech