How to survive the weather at Virginia Tech

Welcome to ‘Bleaksburg’

I am personally a big fan of seasons. Sometimes, on special days, you can experience all four on the Drillfield during the same day. However, I’ve come to realize that some people aren’t used to the weird weather we have here in Blacksburg. Especially for those out-of-state students who come from always-sunny climates, it’s quite the culture shock. Here is some advice for you to endure the plight of “Bleaksburg” and its bipolar climate.

Bring an umbrella—all the time

I am a victim of sudden rainfall. When you leave your dorm for your 8am class and it’s cloudy and chilly, you think, “Meh, I can get away with not bringing my umbrella. It won’t rain that hard until I get back.” Next thing you know, it’s 9:15am and you’re standing in the window of McBryde Hall and staring at the torrential downpour that you didn’t think was going to be a big deal.

I like to cover my backpack under my umbrella as well, so I’m that girl who takes up the whole path on the Drillfield with my golf umbrella. But it’s also a pain to carry around. If you’re not interested in carrying an umbrella-turned-walking-stick, try to purchase a compact one that can fit in your backpack so you can forget about it until you need it. That way, you’ll always be prepared. But if you’re a broke college kid on a budget, you can always go this route:

Props to this guy for being resourceful on his way to his 8am #inventthefuture

Pack a rain jacket you’re not ashamed to wear

When I was packing for college, I realized, my favorite raincoat was a blue waxy jacket that I had been using since middle school. (Don’t ask me how it still fit me by my senior year of high school – the answer will forever escape me.) I turned to my mom and told her that I could not wear this raincoat around campus without being ashamed. Forgive me my millennial spoiled-ness. I bought a new Columbia raincoat/windbreaker. But I think that experience brings up a good point: you’re going to college to reinvent yourself. We all might as well wear something that we aren’t going to be self-conscious in. And let’s face it: being self-conscious in the rain is worse than just being in the rain.

Invest in a pair of water-resistant boots

Rain, slow, sleet, or hail—okay, maybe not hail. Water-resistant boots are a must if you’re going to combat these wet weather woes. Popular fashion choices around campus are duck boots or Hunter-brand boots. However, I know a number of Building Construction majors who use their work boots as their snow boots. So, obviously it’s your choice what you wear to protect your toes from frostbite. If you’re clumsy like me, I would suggest a pair with good treads as well as water resistant qualities.

Even if you are a broke college student, I would contest that you need to splurge for this one necessity. If you don’t, you won’t be affording yourself the necessary protection for our worst weather days. Spending a little more on some nice boots will save you medical expenses when your toes aren’t turning blue and falling off.

Me in my beloved maroon Hunter boots

Be prepared for outfit changes

More than once, I’ve woken up for my 8am class and it was freezing outside. There’s frost on the ground, I can see my breath,  and I can’t feel my hands. So naturally, I wear a parka or a heavy jacket or something. On my way back to my dorm at 9:15am, it’s already getting hot. Suddenly, the sun is out and I’m sweating in my coat.

Most seasoned Hokies, Hokie alumni, and even Blacksburg residents recommend: DRESS IN LAYERS. Don’t worry about looking like a pumpkin, we all understand trying to be warm. And ladies, if you’re into changing your outfit three times in one day, congratulations on finding the best place for that.

Check the weather before you leave for the day

The sun is deceiving. Just because it’s sunny and bright through your window, doesn’t mean that it’s warm. I’ve left my dorm when it was sunny as Cali, and as soon as I stepped outside I felt like a popsicle in my shorts and T-shirt. I ran back inside and donned jeans and a sweater.

Check the weather before you take on the day. Your phone will be able to warn you that while it’s sunny, it also happens to be fifty degrees. Oh, and it’s snowing this weekend too. Probably.

Rain on the Drillfield and snow in front of Pritchard Hall

Don’t worry: It’s sunny sometimes

As much as we might complain about the Bleaksburg weather, everyone has to admit that when it’s sunny, it’s beautiful. Break out the hammocks and blankets, and study outside on the lawn! Some of my best freshman year memories are under the sun on the Drillfield or sporting sunglasses in Lane Stadium. So stay the optimist, because when Bleaksburg pelts us with rain in the morning, it usually rewards us with sunshine during the afternoon until sunset.

Lane Stadium, Blacksburg

Virginia Tech