A thank you to the people of UVA

From a sentimental fourth year

It is hard to believe people spend four years of their lives surrounded by mostly strangers here at UVA. Though, through those four years, some people stand out and should be thanked for their impacts on student life.

First and foremost, thank you to all of the professors. Some of you were hard, demanding, and unfortunately boring, but it is my belief that even though the papers, presentations, and tests were grueling – we are better, and we did live to tell the tale.

To all of you grammar nazis with your harsh red ink, I hated you for a minute, but my appreciation of being a better writer will last me a life time.

So much red…

And a special shoutout to all of the professors that go above and beyond to help us find jobs, get into grad schools, and provide recommendations. The heroes of our future.

Second, to the hard working TAs, thank you for being that middle man. Thank you for making big complicated lessons, lectures, and classes feel smaller. Again, we probably hate you for being hard on us a times, but that hate lasts less than a second. You all are much more relatable  and forgiving.

Third, I think a resounding applause should echo our appreciation of the UVA maintenance staff. If it were not for you our tears and muddy shoes would ruin the libraries and halls that we drag ourselves through.

You not only clean and feed us, but make the daily tasks that much better. You make UVA the prettiest and nicest place we love to be.

Finally, thank you to all of the thousands of students that go here. From friends, brothers and sisters, group project members, lab partners, and just friendly sidewalk sharers, you all have made my time here a better one. Just the smallest impacts – shared conversations, jokes, smiles, and stories – make a world of a difference.

And with this thought, I would like to prepare us all for the impending doom of finals. We hate them. They bring out the worst in us and threaten our sanity. But you will live, so go thank someone.

University of Virginia