Why are certain jobs still male-dominated?

If it’s manual labor, working outside, or requires being in good shape…

It is hard to believe that after so much progress for women’s rights there are still jobs barred from women. It is not the case that girls cannot apply to them – because it is blatantly obvious that is wrong, but employers and hiring managers still do not favor women for positions even if they are more than qualified than their male peers.

Jobs that concern manual labor, working outdoors, and being in good physical shape could be deemed “manly,” but that does not mean that women are not interested, or could not perform the job as well. I think by now society should be accepting the fact that women can do all of the same jobs as men. We don’t have to be stuck in the kitchen or behind a desk.

I have been told by previous supervisors that state and federal agencies are always looking to hire women and people of minorities because they want to be inclusive and have staff that represent the national population. I guess that is the idea of affirmative action, which I still do not have a formal stance on, but I do wish people were chosen for jobs based more on their qualifications and skills rather than their gender and/or race.

The battle for women in certain job fields does not stop at just being hired though. Females that get jobs in male dominated fields still face harassment. A friend posted this article that opened my eyes to the scary truth of what women still have to go through in their careers.

I do not bring this up to scare people away from entering those job opportunities, but more people in general need to be aware that this is still a thing and it needs to stop. I encourage people to not be naive about this, and to still follow their dreams, go beyond the stigmas and limits, keep pushing. Use that resting bitch face and don’t give up.

University of Virginia