Why not being Irish sucks

Can I just fake it?

St. Patty’s Day when you aren’t Irish pretty much sucks. I just do what everyone else does because it seems like everyone else is Irish, even if they are only 3%.

Drink green beer, wear green, have a Guinness, eat corned beef, drink more beer, pretend your a leprechaun seems to be the typical St. Patty’s Day agenda. Easy enough for anyone to do, but I feel so fake celebrating it since I am in no way of Irish heritage.

I had never even tasted corned beef until last week, when my boyfriend’s family had some because they are Irish. It was the smallest bit of heaven.

As to the amount of drinking that the Irish are known for, I do not consider myself a light weight, but I definitely cannot stomach more than one Guinness in a day. Irish Car Bombs are my epitome of drinking fails, mostly because who the hell can chug that much of a rich heavy liquid without it curdling – other than the Irish?

Today, I’m not wearing green because I am no longer haunted of being pinched by the bullies in elementary school.

I will go out to tonight, and try some of that delectable and celebratory green beer, but do not kiss me because I am not Irish.

I will only pretend to celebrate the Irish holiday, out of respect for all of my awesome Irish friends. If you can’t be them, join them.

You’ll see me again for Cinco de Mayo.


University of Virginia