An ode to all lost jackets at Trinity

Not a day goes by where I don’t miss that coat

Oh long puffy jacket that I miss so much!

With your down feather warmth and soft touch.

The way your hood covered my ears from cold,

You were worth more than your weight in gold.



The fated day you were taken from me,

It was just another night at Trinity.

I left you behind a booth because it was “safe there,”

Yet when I went to leave I got quite a scare.


You were not behind that wooden booth,

So I left very cold yet determined to find the truth.

When I returned to Trin in the light of day,

I was like, “do you have it?” and she was like, “nay.”


Not a day goes by where I don’t miss that coat,

It’s very sad we ended on such a bad note.

The moral of this story is really quite easy –

Don’t wear a coat when ya go out to get sleazy.

If you or a loved one has lost a coat at Trinity Irish Pub, please call 1-800-URFCKED to file a complaint and never be contacted again. 

University of Virginia