I may not have a Valentine’s date but I have some pretty great relationships

No date, no problem

It’s February 12th, and Valentine’s Day is almost upon us.

Being forever single, literally, I hold no animosity toward the hallmark holiday. I get to tell all my amazing friends that I love them all the time and they can’t do anything about it. I get to watch every single Nicholas Sparks movie and not feel like a loser. Not to mention the wide array of chocolate I get to choose from! Plus, roses are pretty.

This year, I attempted to do something out of my comfort zone. I had an amazing idea to write a Valentine’s piece about someone who had never been attached or had a date on Valentine’s but allowed one of her best friends to set her up.

That person was me.

As soon as I committed to this seemingly desperate idea, I had instant regret.

What if I hate this person they set me up with?

Does this mean I have to put time into getting ready?

What if they think I am weird? (I know I am and I’m cool with it).

Or worse: what if they don’t share my beloved sense of Disney, superheroes, and football?


Needless to say, I was worried. Then I was excited. Then I was nervous. Then I was curious. I was like Rapunzel in Tangled when she is contemplating leaving her tower. I liked the solitude I had in my tower but maybe I needed to branch out.

Spoiler alert, it is not going to happen.

The problem with having amazing friends is that they are extremely protective of you and your feelings (sometimes even more than you are).

I may not have gotten a date that had the potential of me finding my own Landon Carter, Noah Calhoun, or John Tyree, I wouldn’t trade this failure for anything.

Charisse, the lovely individual who was way too excited for this project and also one of my best friends, was unable to find anyone. Not because there isn’t plenty of guys at UVA but because she didn’t feel they were good enough for me.

This allowed me to be happy with my single status because I know that eventually I will find someone. And Charisse will be one of the first to approve or disapprove.

So, this Valentine’s Day I will be going out with a group of my best friends to watch ‘Deadpool’ and go get dinner. Because Valentine’s day is about loving relationships. And I am in a pretty committed relationship with some fabulous gals that make me happy and I can always count on.

What more can a girl ask for?

Have fun however you chose to spend this holiday. Whether it be by yourself, with your girls, with your bros, with S.O., or with your family, ’cause love never goes out of style.

If you want to read about my galantines check back in on the 15th!

University of Virginia