Why do midterms last ALL SEMESTER LONG?!

UVA’s definition of ‘midterm’ is definitely not the same as mine

Midterms, aka, the middle of the semester slump. Hours are spent in libraries across grounds. The freshman fifteen is usually put on while munching on Pop-Tarts and Cheetos (hopefully not at the same time) while hunched over laptop screens that are too bright.

The only saving grace is the fact that they only happen right in the middle of the semester and then you have somewhat of a clear schedule until finals roll around.

Oh wait. I forgot. I go to UVA.

Instead of midterms being in the middle of the semester, you know, like most colleges, they are all. Semester. Long. They never end.

If they were a T-Swift song they would sing “We are never ever ever going to end.”

Not only do they last the entirety of the semester, sometimes there are multiple “midterms.” So just beware that you are never out of the woods.

I knew you were trouble UVA. I haven’t slept since syllabus week because my first midterm was the next week. From there it is a never-ending, slippery slope until December.

But just shake it off my fellow Hoos. At least finals will save us.

University of Virginia #virginia exams finals midterms taylor swift university of virginia uva