Why is the UVA bus app SO BAD?

At least my life is more together than Transloc

A typical day in the life of a UVA student attempting to use the bus:

9.45am: Wakes up, panics, has class at 10am

9.46am: Checks busses, one in 4 minutes – perfect!

9.48am: Runs down to bus stop. Bus in 3 minutes, OK…

9.50am: Bus in 2 minutes… excuse me?

9.52am: Bus “approaching stop”

9.54am: Bus “approaching stop”

9.55am: Starts panic crying and begins running to class

9.56am: Sees the bus drive past through your tears.

Seriously though, why is the bus app so weird?

Okay before we start, let me say, thank God for UVA buses.

The entire system and the drivers are so extremely appreciated. When it’s freezing cold or raining or you just have to cross over all of grounds, there is nothing more useful than the free buses our dear ol’ UVA provides.

But can I get an AMEN about the need for improved accuracies?

Yeah, sometimes, you’re late, and it’s your fault. But sometimes a bus will say five minutes away, and then oops its gone!

Not to mention the buses which somehow wander so extremely far off the route they’re like your drunk friend that ends up at another university on a night out.

We asked a bus driver, who wished to remain anonymous, why the bus app is so funky. Here’s how it went down:

So, how does the bus app work?

It’s by like GPS, I think.

What system of GPS, do you know?

Not really…I just have to keep them updated if I’m late.

How do you know if you’re late to a stop?

It lets us know

Well, that cleared a lot up.

At least we can determine since UVA bus drivers don’t even know the secrets of the app maybe no one does.

Perhaps the mystery of Transloc will never truly be revealed.

University of Virginia #virginia bus system buses class late transloc transportation university of virginia uva uva bus system