It’s official: Greek women have higher GPA average than rest of female student body

You can take your dumb sorority girl stereotype and leave

The “dumb sorority girl” archetype needs no explanation, and in popular culture, it’s not hard to find supportive evidence. Most women in the Greek community have encountered something (a movie, an online article, some exclusive organization) or someone (a condescending d-bag) that downplayed their intelligence.

But, as new figures reveal, the numbers simply don’t support the assumption that sorority girls care more about date functions than homework. The average GPA of all female undergrads is 3.2 – not too shabby. Compare that to the average GPA of (specifically ISC-affiliated) sorority women, and you’ll find the higher number of 3.446. That’s a difference of six percent.

Casey Engel, ISC Scholarship Chair

Third year biology student Casey Engel serves as the organization’s scholarship chair. A delighted Casey told The Tab: “I believe that our community has provided a great environment for academic success and improvement, as indicated by our higher overall GPA. I am so proud of all of our members for the hard work they do to achieve this.”

Casey, according to the ISC website, “provides opportunities for increased scholarly excellence within the Greek community and recognizes academic achievements of our hardworking women.” And she’s clearly doing a great job.

Pan-Hellenic Greek organizations are not perfect institutions by any stretch, but at least at UVA, individuals’ academic feats (and the care the community take in recognizing them) are enough to indicate the “dumb sorority girl” business has no place here.


University of Virginia