How turnt are you right now on a scale of 1-10? We asked around Scott Stadium

‘Dressing up? Tits out for the boys, free the nipple.’

Most Hoos are aware of the narrow win we had at last Saturday’s game against the College of William & Mary Tribe. But if you were there, you probably noticed the crowd was more concerned with not stumbling down the hill at the student section or throwing up on a police officer.

We headed into the crowds and asked:

  • How much have you had to drink?
  • How drunk are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • How do you feel about the UVA tradition of dressing up at football games?

Mark Jones*, Second Year

“I’ve probably had too much to drink. If I were to guess on a scale of one to 10, I would probably be three hunnad. In regards to dressing up, I would have to say I’m too fucking hot for that.”

Phil Smith*, Third Year

“I’ve had twelve shots before coming to the game and I’m about a seven on the turnt scale. As for dressing up for the game, I love it, but then again my shower is broken right now so I can’t always do it.”

Sharon Williams*, Second Year

“I took four, low calorie shots before coming to the game. I would say that I’m also matching that on a scale of one to 10 also.”

John Gregoria*, Fourth Year

“I’ve had 10 shots give or take, placing me at about a seven on a scale of 10. I feel awesome about dressing up. It makes Virginia Tech really mad so I’m all about it. Also makes me feel pretty sexy.”

Audrey Whiteprivilege*, Fourth Year

“I’ve had about nine drinks today and I’m turnt all the way up. I hate dressing up…. but you know, you’re a Hoo and you gotta do it. Crush the tribe.”

Alexandre Dall, Second Year

“I would say I’ve had about seven drinks today and I’m feeling mildly turnt. I’m at a solid five. Dressing up sucks. I’m sweating, look at this shit.” Alexandre then proceeded to gesture to his back sweat. 

Ashwin Sundarah*, Second Year

“You tell me, I’m feeling like a eight or nine though. I think I made like five drinks. I dress up for the first game, but that’s it.”

Khari Willanova, Second Year

“Well, I’m about five cups in, but I pour mine strong. We’ll go with a four on a scale of one to 10. I think dressing up is kinda interesting. Our football team is kinda shit so we need to separate ourselves from everyone else some how.”

Annie B., Third Year

“I’ve had like four and a half to six drinks. I’m pretty turnt. Dressing up is nice. Otherwise people just look like bums.”

Samantha Indigo*, Second Year

“I’ve had about nine to 11 shots. God bless the U.S.A. On a scale of one to 10, I’m 17.38.” 

*to protect some students’ identities, they were given the option to change their names and emoji their face

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