Bryan Singer’s name will be removed from the Division of Cinema & Media Studies…temporarily

Singer requested the change

The USC School of Cinematic Arts announced via email that the Division of Cinema & Media Studies will no longer bare Bryan Singer's name…until the allegations are resolved.

Singer requested to have his name removed from the university hours after reports that he is being sued for sexually harassing a minor. Yet, he only requested a suspension.

The email said:

Bryan Singer has requested that the USC School of Cinematic Arts suspend the use of his name on the Division of Cinema & Media Studies until the allegations against him are resolved. The School means a great deal to Bryan, and while he intends to defend himself vigorously against these claims, he does not want the pending litigation to have any negative impact on his alma mater.

Singer gifted SCA, his alma mater, $5 million in 2013 and the school dedicated the Division of Cinema & Media Studies to him. After graduating, Singer directed and produced several films and television shows, including all five X-Men movies.

During his career in the entertainment industry, Singer was accused of several other instances of sexual harassment. Lawsuits against him were for filed for several instances of sexual assault as well as pedophilia.

About a month ago, students created a petition on demanding Singer's name be permanently disassociated with the cinema school. The petition has well over 4,000 supporters.

University of Southern California Bryan Singer SCA USC