Quick USC Halloween costumes you need a sense of humor to appreciate

Member of Club Leavey, anyone?

It’s the best time of the year: Halloween. A holiday dedicated to candy, costumes, and spooky fun can be nothing but a good time, especially in college when it is celebrated with excessive partying and wild costumes. That being said, Halloween often falls in the middle of midterm season making the celebration a lot more stressful than it should be.

You often find yourself costume-less an hour before a party with no idea what to wear. The struggle to find a costume that requires the least amount of effort, while fitting your sarcastic personality is a tough task. I’m here to save the day with Costumes for the Last-Minute and the Lazy: USC Edition.

Disclosure: All of these costumes were made with items from my own wardrobe, took under 5 minutes each to execute, and require a sense of humor to understand.

Member of Club Leavey

If you aren’t feeling traditional spooky vibes this year, go with something even more scary: the crushing truth of reality. You can unlock this Level 10 spooky costume by combining the eye bruising makeup with your favorite study clothes.

The result: a sleep deprived student! Turn up in Club Leavey!

The bouncer

We all love him and he loves us. Dress up as your favorite bouncer this year: Big Shawn! All you need to wear is a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, glasses, and a chain necklace (Snapback is an optional addition). Best part is that at the end of the night you can go get a picture with him after he rejects your fake ID!

(If you don’t realize how accurate this is, feel free to visit Shawn’s Facebook to see the uncanny resemblance; I got it down to the skull necklace and pose.)

School girl

We all know you didn’t get into Lambda Academy. Better luck next year ladies! But there is no point letting your amazing school girl costume go to waste; reuse it for Halloween.

Wear it to ZBT’s party and it will really be like Lambda Academy all over again!

Frat boy

Making fun of frat boys never ceases to be a good time. Their party habits, their lingo, and their choice in apparel all provide plenty of reason to laugh. However, odds are either you or a close friend has a frat shirt, because deep down you love them for who they are. So throw on a frat shirt and a snapback and you have a completely passable costume. When your guy friends ask you what you are for Halloween, you can just say “I’m you.”

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!


If USC Halloween can be defined by anything, it’s without a doubt defined by binge drinking. But what is hard alcohol with out chaser? Pure death, that’s what. This Halloween dress up in workout gear and carry around a bottle of hard alcohol. If anyone asks what you are, YOU are the chaser, aka everyone’s best friend.

When you die on Game Day…

We all know this feeling. Maybe you didn’t eat enough breakfast or drink enough water, or maybe you took one too many handle pulls. Regardless, feeling like the walking dead on game day is a real struggle…so why not make it into a funny costume?

Throw on your game day gear and throw on some purple eye shadow under your eyes for bruising to give yourself a deadly glow. Easy and relatable.

These costumes may involve little effort and be a bit of a stretch, but if executed properly you will gain the respect of everyone at the party. Or, more likely, people will just tell you that your costume is lame. Oh well! Plan better for next year.

Stay safe and rage on this Halloween!

University of Southern California