USC was a ghost town over Spring Break and it was great

A few of my very scientific findings about SC: Ghost Town Edition

Let’s be honest, in spring semester SC is a commuter school. Without the draw of game days and tailgates we much prefer to spend our weekends in the confines of our own homes with cooked meals, our dogs and the beach at close reach. And by ours I mean yours because I don’t live here.

And whilst I get away with crashing weekends at Manhattan Beach I couldn’t quite blunder my way to a full week pretending to be a part of someone else’s family (although I tried). So after half of break in Cabo (may my voice R.I.P.) I was back at SC: ghost town edition.

Here are a few of my very scientific findings about SC ghost town.

No 8pm rush for alcohol in Calmart

Each week Thirsty Thursday comes around and whilst we know it’s coming it doesn’t make us anymore prepared. As we all rush to Calmart; some pre-getting ready, some in full costume, the line trails around the aisle as we grab our pick of poison for that particular evening.

Not this week however; the line was non existent and inevitably my trips were (somewhat) less frequent.

No boys in suits running around CVS buying their deliveries

Spring break gave the poor locals who also shop in CVS a break from the suit clad, skateboard carrying pledges ferociously buying candy and chocolates for that weeks delivery.

I, however, still ensured I got my weekly dose of chocolate.

No bikes or skateboards running you down in and around campus

2 p.m. is somewhat of a danger zone to get around campus. Between the bike’s, skateboards and the worryingly increasing amount of hoverboards, getting to class comes with an unspoken warning of danger of death, or in the very least two grazed knees.

My one trip to campus this break was injury free and certainly less stressful than most visits to school.

Matching Bikes

No red cups sprawling the row

No kids = no parties. Need I say more?

No Big Sean

Everyone loves the 90 – or at least they love to hate it. This week the 90 has missed SC’s rowdy students who swapped skid row for squid row.

Although I’m sure that’s all about the change this week.

Shot of Fireball anyone?

Even my dad loves the 90

Thankfully Monday has finally rolled around and I’m no longer seeing tumbleweeds. Welcome back spring breakers, I’ve missed you.

University of Southern California