All the absolutely terrible things that still suck less than Grayson Allen

Oversleeping for an 8am exam sucks, but not as much as Grayson does

It’s safe to say that Duke guard Grayson Allen sucks. His habitual tripping and crybaby attitude make it hard for anyone to have sympathy for him. He’s essentially this generation’s Christian Laettner, another dook player we all love to hate, and it’s obvious that Allen is living up to the comparison.

Sometimes life can suck- even at Carolina- but we  wanted to remind you of a few things that genuinely suck less than Grayson Allen:

A paper cut

You manage to get one of these bad boys while rushing from the UL to Hamilton to turn in a five pager that you completely bs’ed. It’s tiny, it stings, and it makes you question whether or not that all nighter was worth it. You might feel the urge to cry, but then you remember that only Grayson Allen would cry over a paper cut. Weak.

Tripping over a brick

Even though brick tripping is like a rite of passage, it still sucks. Only reason why it sucks less than Allen is because he didn’t trip you – that would really, really suck.

Oversleeping for an 8 am exam

It happens to the best of us. You set 10 alarms and you still manage to oversleep. But hey, at least Grayson Allen isn’t a Tar Heel.

Standing on the P2P

There’s a reason why the Point 2 Point is also known as the “Party 2 Party”. From Thursday night to Sunday morning, the P2P – and its fab drivers -are the MVPs of the entire campus. Even when you’re packed in, standing two-by-two and hoping that the guy across from you doesn’t get sick, you’re still thankful that you have more options than seeing Grayson Allen at Shooters.

Riding the P2P while sober

If you thought standing on the P2P was bad, imagine being on the P2P while sober. You quickly realize that riding a bus full of sweaty frat boys dancing off-beat to whatever song is playing is no longer your scene, and you pray that you’ll be able to make it off in one piece. But you’re still thankful to have more options than Shooters.

The game that shall not be named
You know the one. Houston, Texas. April 4th, 2016. Marcus Paige hit that show-stopping three, but then – well, you probably know the rest. Sure, this one might be a stretch, but let’s be real, Grayson Allen’s antics piss us off way more. We know our boys tried.

When you’re ever feeling down, look at this list and remember that you’re doing just fine. Besides, you’re not Grayson Allen. GTHD.
