Every type of class you’ll take at UNC

And the countdown to registration begins

As we head into spring registration– yikes– it’s time to take a look at all the possible classes you will encounter at UNC. If you’re a senior, I guarantee most of your classes have fallen into these categories. If you’re a first year, I promise these classes are on their way into your schedule.

The one that you’re always late to

Her: “Did your alarm go off?”

Me: “Yeah, I had four different alarms.”

Her: “Then why are you late?”

Me: “This is a morning class, duh.”

You are always late to this class because it is either super early or its just your first class of the day and you’re super lazy. This is also the class where you are always dumping coffee on yourself or crying silent tears because you have no coffee to dump on yourself. I am sorry to all of the professors who teach these classes.

The one that’s always cold

You know what I’m talking about. This is the class that you need to wear five different layers just to be semi-comfortable in. Then the second you walk back outside you start sweating. Typically a big lecture hall where they ramp up the AC to accommodate for everyone’s body heat.

The one where no one talks/participates

Awkward, uncomfortable silence. In a lecture, it’s easier to stay quiet and not get cold-called. But if the class is semi-small, the crippling fear of being called on is a constant one. Maybe eventually everyone will eventually open up but those first few weeks are full of terror.

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The one with the crazy professor

At UNC, professors come in all types. There are boring professors, ‘dad joke’ professors, professors that actually consider Cs  average and gives them out like candy on Halloween, etc. Here, ‘crazy’ professor could mean a handful of things–it could mean you enjoy going to the class to Snapchat funny videos or it could mean you despise your instructor for failing you and not caring about your feelings.

The one you never go to

This is the one that has all the notes posted online. Or at least the one in which you have a good friend to take notes for you. There is just no motivation to get out of bed when attendance isn’t taken.

The one with everyone from your high school

I swear, my freshman year every single class I was in had someone from high school on the roster. These are the big lectures–Econ 101, Bio 101, Busi 101, you know the rest. Inevitably you stop talking to them after that class, but it eases the transition into college and you automatically have a study buddy for the first semester.

The one with your best friend

Whether its your roommate or a kid you met in the class and immediately clicked with, the class with your best friend is the best–no pun intended. Your best friend is an automatic note-taker, an automatic study buddy you actually like, and most importantly, an automatic seat-saver.

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The one with your crush

Maybe the idea of seeing him/her gets you out of bed in the morning for that miserable 8am. Maybe you are even lucky enough to get his/her number and can text them for homework help. Either way, your crush can take the suckiness out of any class.

The one you fall asleep in

Again, probably another 8am. 8am’s can pretty much fall under any category on this list, but if it doesn’t land in the “one you never go to,” than it most definitely lands here. It could also be a 2 or 3pm class, as that’s when the afternoon slump kicks in because you didn’t have time to get coffee before it and you’re fading fast.

The one you don’t mind going to

Okay, I admit, classes at UNC can be pretty awesome. There is always that one a semester which you don’t mind going to, don’t hate the people in, don’t hate the professor, etc. Hell, maybe you even love it. Even if it’s not a part of your major, find a class you love and you may just get semi-excited to go to it. That is, as long as its not an 8am.

The one that becomes family

Maybe it’s because the class is hard as heck and you need all the support you can get. Maybe it’s because the class is based on projects and you are forced to get to know people–whether you like it or not. Or maybe it’s just super small and everyone has to look at each other three times a week. But you become a dysfunctional family, and the way it happened doesn’t matter.

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