We asked UNC students what they’re being for Halloween

Of course there’s a Playboy bunny

For Carolina students, Halloween is sacred. Not because of the dangerous amount of free candy, jack-o’-lantern carving, or scary movies, but because of two things: Franklin Street and costumes. People from all over the Triangle–and even the state–come to Franklin Street on October 31 for the festivities. But most importantly, they come to see what costumes, no matter how outrageous, people will dream up and wear in public.

In honor of Franklin Street’s most exciting night–aside from when we beat Dook in basketball–we asked UNC students to tell us what their Halloween costumes are going to be this year. Their answers didn’t disappoint.

Adrianna, sophomore

“I was going to go as [Internet sensation] Joanne the Scammer, because I really like her. She makes me laugh and I just appreciate her for the humor she brings into this world. I feel like I am Joanne.”

Cameron, first year

“Me and my roommate are going to be Salt-N-Pepa, the old ’90s girl group, because we went to high school together and one of the homecoming days was ‘Dynamic Duo’ and we were Salt-N-Pepa. We just wanted to take it up a notch and do it again with better costumes and show UNC what we can bring to the table.”

Claire and Evan, first years

Claire: “We’re dressing up as Cosmo and Wanda from The Fairly OddParents because we wanted to do a cute couples costume, and we thought that would be a cool, not-often-seen idea.”

Evan: “We’re doing this because we have a lot of materials we needed already, we didn’t have to buy a lot of stuff, and it’s two characters that are pretty well known by the general populace.”

Grace (left) and Carol, first years

Grace: “I am being Violet from the first season of American Horror Story. It’s my favorite TV show and I thought it’d be fun!”

Carol: “I am being a Playboy bunny, because I was in my friend’s room one day and since he’s into theater, he pulled out this robe as a joke and was wearing it, and I was like, ‘Oh my God, you look like Hugh Hefner!’ and then it just stuck.”

Kevin, first year

“I am going to be a pickle from SpongeBob, Kevin the Pickle. Since my name is Kevin and I’ve watched SpongeBob all my life, I thought it’d be pretty fitting.”

Pickles, bunnies, and fairy godparents. I think it’s safe to say the oddity of Halloween on Franklin Street will live to see another year.

