To the professors who are passionate about what they do – thank you

I’ll never fall asleep in your class

Embarrassing but true fact about myself: I have fallen asleep in more college classes than I can count. Whether it’s a class I love or a class I hate, I have probably fallen asleep in it.

Of the four classes I’m taking this semester, there is only one I have yet to fall asleep in. “20th Century German Philosophy and Modern Youth Cultures,” or more affectionately known as “Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll” taught by Richard Langston, is the only class it is impossible for me to get drowsy in.

Yes, this may be because it’s an afternoon class that only takes 50 minutes. But most likely? It’s because Langston is so passionate about German philosophy.

Instructors who love their subject, who speak in a tone of voice that is filled with excitement even when this could be their third class of the day, should be the most cherished members of our faculty at UNC. They make us feel like what we’re learning is an exciting story we would beg to be a part of, even if this story is just simple Spanish conjugations or the history of Jazz music.

Instructors who are passionate about what they do are passionate about their students. My MEJO 153 professor bakes our class cookies every once in a while and makes sure my classmates get cupcakes for their birthdays. He’s a tough grader and lets you know when you do something wrong, but he does it because he is so passionate about his field.

Instructors who love what they do can affect your grade tremendously. A teacher who is passionate is more likely to grab and keep your attention. If you actually remember what happens during class time, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars before your midterm.

Teachers who are passionate can turn you on to a subject you never thought you’d love. I never thought I’d be interested in Spanish, creative writing or German philosophy until I took classes offered by teachers who were so excited about these things. Taking these classes taught by passionate teachers can show you a new skill you didn’t know you had.

So while some professors may have been teaching for years and years, or have their PhD, nothing will ever compare to a professor that loves what they do. They’ll keep you excited, or even just keep you from falling asleep.

Thank you, professors with passion, for all that you do for us.
