Photo Phriday: What your favorite UNC study spot says about you

Where the music nerds, coffee addicts and public sleepers reside

Whether you’re cramming or curling up on cushions in the Undergraduate Library, we all have that favorite study spot. It’s your home away from dorm – your oasis among dusty tomes and silent glares.

So, to honor these comfy caves and their sleep-deprived inhabitants, we’ve made a list of these spots and what each one says about you.

Undergraduate Library

Lauren Groffsky studies in the UL. Her favorite spot is actually in Davis.

Fan of the UL? There’s probably a well-worn couch somewhere with your name on it. There’s also probably an exam tomorrow and you’re guzzling your third cup of coffee just to keep your eyes open.

The UL is open 24/7 and full of procrastinators. It’s also full of dreamers who have the mind-boggling capacity to sleep in public. Actually, maybe it’s not that mind-boggling – especially if you’ve been studying all night.

Student Union

If you don’t like the eerie silence or murderous glares of the library, you probably find yourself in the Student Union for all your studies. Chances are you’re also a major coffee addict who loves to socialize.

Alpine Bagel keeps the coffee brewing to satisfy even the most wired of bean fiends. Junior Antoine Lopez says he likes the top floor of the union. “I like that it’s quiet, but not too quiet. Dead silence makes me go crazy.”

Wilson Library

Exterior of Wilson Library

If you enjoy awe-inspiring architecture and take pride in the beauty of UNC, this is your library. Oil paintings and marble busts abound, making Wilson feel more like a museum than a library.

Music nerds love it too. Tucked in the bottom of Wilson is the Music Library. Want to crack out a tune on the ole ebony and ivory? Look no further.

There’s also a great study room with a view of the bell tower. The evening supervisor, Carrie Monette, notes that it is “one of the largest music libraries in the US.”

Davis Library

Jabril Rice studies on his computer in the lobby of Davis.

The well-lit lobby of Davis

The jack-of-all-trades library on campus is Davis. Whether you study solo, or get off topic in a group, Davis accommodates all types. Favor the lobby? You like light and noise – eerie silence is not your ally.

If you’re the studious type, you probably have a nook on one of Davis’s eight floors. Student Lauren Groffsky prefers the second floor. “I like the second floor because it’s quiet but not too quiet. I like to talk.”

Another student, Jabril Rice, prefers the seventh floor for solo study. He said: “I don’t get anything done in groups.”

Also, if you’re in one of the study rooms, yes we can hear you, and yes it’d be nice if you could quiet down.


There are those unfazed by the allure of PlayStation or Netflix. Yes, I’m talking about students who can study from home. Take pride, for your self-discipline is unmatched on campus.

As long as you have a couch, coffee pot and computer, you’re golden. Dominick Harris, a psychology major, says he likes to study at home for the “availability of space and personal touch.” Plus, you can “play music as loud as you want to.”

We all have an ideal campus study spot. It’s not always a place you want to be, but damn if it won’t be comfortable. And with exams never far off, it’s about time we head back to that familiar couch and spread out.

Just don’t get too comfortable – there’s still about 50 pages left on that Google Doc.

Photos by Connor Atkins for The Tab UNC
