We asked study abroad students what’s better about UNC

They just let you ‘borrow’ tripods here?

I am studying abroad at UNC for my second year from University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK. I asked some students from other parts of the world what was better about UNC compared to their home institution. Some of it reinforced what I thought, and some of it was completely new.

Enrico, Economics: Bocconi University, Italy

“Free huge gyms. A real campus with stores sponsored by great brands. Less crowded classes and more friendly professors. People are more open to exchange students in general.”

Toby: Auckland, New Zealand

“I would say UNC definitely has more school pride and most of the students seem happy to be attending UNC when compared to back home.”

Yuri, Physics: Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

“The whole infrastructure is better.”

Tomoki, Media: Keio University, Japan

“I am amazed by how you can borrow cameras and tripods so easily at the library. At all of the events, it’s so free and easy to express your own ideas.”

Paula, Biotechnology: University of Oviedo, Spain

“All the clubs and activities that UNC has.”

Dashan, History: St Andrews, Scotland, UK

“I think it is the size of the school. I find American people more outgoing in terms of making friends.”

Rachel, Math: University of Manchester, England, UK

“I would say that UNC is better in terms of the size of classes and opportunity to engage more with the material through office hours. Also, I would say everyone at UNC is so friendly. The students, professors and staff are very welcoming.’

Dehaja: University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

“Probably school spirit and the fact that people care about/go to games. I think certain classes are taught better, but I guess that’s more lecturers than the actual school.”

Take, Business and Computer Science: International Christian University, Japan

“The classes are in English and the classes are more interesting. There are better professors and a diverse student body.”

Lobke, American Studies: University of Groningen, Netherlands

“The best thing about UNC, and American campuses in general I feel like, is definitely the community that builds and fuels itself. Dutch universities are great in that they stimulate self-sufficiency and responsibility in students, but they don’t focus on community-building at all.”

Christopher: University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

“I think the classes are better in some ways – they’re smaller and the professor is more invested in students’ performance. Exams are more relaxed and your grade is usually spread over lots of smaller assessments. I like that sports are a big deal because they bring everyone together and create a sense of community and school pride.”

Jay: University of Nottingham, England, UK

“The people are friendlier, less cliquey and the feedback is a lot better. I love the Pit and lecturers care more.”

Personally, I think sports are much bigger here. Take Kenan Stadium, for example. I cannot think of a single university in UK which has any sports related buildings that can match the stadiums of the American universities.

The weather here at UNC plays such a big role in my own views because it’s always so sunny here. In the UK, it’s always so rainy, cloudy, or foggy, and if none of that, it is snowing. Like the saying goes in Scotland, “if you don’t like the weather, wait for five minutes.”
