This week in UMass street style

We asked students where they bought their outfits

Never underestimate the power of a good outfit on a bad day. Students around campus flaunt chic, comfortable, casual outfits from your next door thrift store to obscure international locations.

Meghan Sawtelle, Sustainable Food and Farming

Jacket: Free People

Jeans: Old Navy

Shoes: Adidas

Jesica Quiñones, Computer Science

Shirt: Forever 21

Pants: Holister

Shoes: J Crew

Jack Boyer, Theater

Jacket: Salvation Army

Pants: Urban Outfitters

Shoes: New Balance Outlet

Carly Livingston, Psychology and Education

Shirt: Clothing Swap at Greeno

Jacket: Thrifted

Pants: Lucky Brand

Shoes: TJMaxx

Michée Mande, Communications

Shirt: Thrifted

Pants: Asos

Shoes: J Crew

Taylor Bowler

Pants: Forever 21

Jacket: Thrifted

Shoes: Vans

Mia Antinoro, Civil Engineering

Skirt & Shoes: Forever21

Jacket: Thrifted

Zev Lee, History

Sunglasses: Hostel in Amsterdam

Sweater: Flea Market in Berlin

Pants: Thrifted in Paris

Socks: TJMaxx

Want to be featured? Wear cool outfits and watch out for my camera.

UMass Amherst