For the price of UMass, you can go anywhere

Maybe for even less than what you pay to attend UMass

Have you ever thought about studying abroad?

If yes, what did you think about it? Whether it was “Oh my God, I have to go” or “That’s definitely not for me,” you should give studying abroad another thought.

Next order of business: Are you an in-state, or an out-of-state student?

If you’re an in-state student, you can study abroad almost anywhere in the world for the same price you pay to go to UMass (approximately $25,000) through an exchange program. If you are an out-of-state student, get this – you can study abroad through a UMass exchange for less than what you pay to study at UMass (approximately $42,000).

How, you ask? Well, when you study abroad through a UMass exchange program, you are considered an in-state UMass student, therefore leaving only airfare, tourist and activity expenses to add to your now slimmer price tag on college.

If I haven’t convinced you yet through the monetary aspect, think about this – for this one time in your life, you are able to pick up and move anywhere in the world for four to five months.

You won’t miss out on your summer job, you won’t be missing out on getting your school credits, and you certainly won’t miss out on much with your friends back at UMass seeing as you’re going to have such incredible experiences that will probably top theirs.

You will get to see amazing things, experience the unthinkable, and fall in love with a new country, one that you may never have traveled to if not for study abroad.

Of course, studying abroad can require you to break out of your comfort zone – far, far out of your comfort zone in some cases. But if college is for one thing, it’s for trying new things and seeing new places.

You are between 18- and 22-years-old. Look in the mirror and ask yourself: what do you want to do before you die. Then ask, “Where am I going to do that?” Do you want to go float in the Dead Sea? Swim with the fish at the Great Barrier reef? Go shopping in Paris? Now is the time to do so, and you know it.

Now is the time in your life when you have the least obligations and the most freedom, so why not do something crazy and travel across the world for a semester?

UMass Amherst