The best of UMass Halloween costumes

Did you make the cut?

It’s that time of the year again: Halloween at UMass. Of all of the many costumes, the DIY ideas, and the good looking food, this made for another stylish year. Here are the 8 types of costumes seen on Halloween night:

The couples

Always cute, always matching.

Waldo and the Cat in the Hat

We found Waldo!

The best friend couple

“The Cat… the Hat. Get it?”

The Classics

These can never go wrong.

Marvel and DC Superheroes

“Up, up, and away!”

The Sith and The Jedi

“May the force be with you.”

Catwoman and a WWE Wrestler

“Cat got your tongue?”


Costumes too expensive? No problem!

The new costume: no costume.

The Lobster

Even the food had style.


The group costume

They didn’t match, but this group rocked their own looks.

“Tread lightly.”

Last but not least, there was a visit from the Anchorman team.

“They’ve done studies, you know. 60 percent of the time, it works every time.”

UMass Amherst