The best of the Bernie Sanders rally

UMass felt the Bern

This Tuesday was unofficial ‘Bernie Sanders’ day on campus. The “UMass for Bernie Sanders” rally occurred outside the Student Union, and despite the cold, a large group of individuals turned out to support the cause.

The atmosphere of the rally was great, with many Bernie t-shirts and placards displayed with pride. The speakers at the rally were engaging and interesting, and they spoke about hard-hitting issues that are greatly important to Americans, no matter your political standing.

So, for those that couldn’t make it, below are the best one liners from the speeches given, so you can see what you missed out on. Or for those that went, you can relive the evening and re-spark the deep, meaningful conversations you had with yourself in your head when you left.

Casey Pease, student, member of ‘UMass for Bernie Sanders’

“The cost of education in America, is TOO DAMN HIGH.”

Casey spoke about Bernie’s stance on higher education and tuition fees.

Ferd Williams, UMass faculty, ‘Labor for Bernie’ member

“His initials might spell BS, but Bernie walks the walk and he talks the talk”

Rockin’ a great mustache, Ferd also spoke about higher education and employment.

Gerald Friedman, UMass Professor

“We have a bunch of millionaires in Massachusetts, you can look it up on Forbes…I’m sure they’re really nice people…”

Gerald spoke about Bernie’s plan for healthcare in America.

Olivia Murphy, student, member of ‘UMass for Bernie Sanders’

When discussing how mothers struggle to provide adequate food for their children: “Currently, many women can’t afford to buy milk for their children.”

In response to boos from the crowd:  “Yeah right? I love milk!”

Olivia discussed Bernie’s policies on ‘women’s issues’ and LGBT rights

Mansur Gidfar, Communications director for ‘’

“Does the government represent the people? Spoiler alert: no.”

Mansur discussed the role of money in politics.

Brennan Tierney, student, ‘UMass for Bernie Sanders’ member, rally organizer

“We should live in a nation that regardless of your race,your religion or your sexual orientation…should allow you to live your dream.”

Erik Vegeto, student

And finally, for the ‘lols’, the best dressed attendee was Erik Vegeto, who rocked this eccentric, Bernie inspired tee…

UMass Amherst bernie bernie sanders democrats president presidential campaign republicans sanders umass umass amherst us