A love letter to the graffiti in the Bartlett girls’ bathrooms


Dear Bartlett Bathroom Graffiti,

Before you, I was under the impression graffiti was something obscene scrawled under the toilet paper holder, or written in smeared Sharpie across the bathroom mirror. My experiences in other public restrooms had done nothing but confirm my suspicions. You, however, changed all that.

I didn’t think graffiti could serve as a strong statement, especially in a bathroom stall, but you proved me wrong.

I applaud your words of encouragement, especially when I’m in between classes and just trying to have a moment to breathe, even if it’s on the toilet. And I appreciate your brutal honesty.

Through you, I find myself reading insights into the life of some other student, that I can weirdly relate to even though the only thing I know we have in common is that we’ve both inhabited this stall at one point or another.

Whereas my high school bathroom had names and swears scratched into the stall walls, you, Bartlett Graffiti, give me quotes that inspire thought and feeling.

And even when your words aren’t so cheery, they retain their brutal honesty, and somehow still manage to be inspiring.

You are your own art form, Bartlett Bathroom Graffiti. Your words are scattered across stalls like paintings in an exhibit, even though we all know you’re far less glamorous than any museum.

You are witty, random, occasionally weird but always very real. I know I’m not the first girl who’s ventured into the bathroom and come out a little surprised and more than a little happier, and I hope I’m not the last.

To the Bartlett Bathroom Graffiti and to your glorious contributors–thank you. It’s not everyday you find an uplifting quote or piece of advice when you go pee.

UMass Amherst