Why I think John Kasich should be the Republican nominee

He’s the only voice of reason left in the race

The Republican Party stands on a precipice. While not everyone wants to admit it, giving the Republican nomination to Donald Trump will be equivalent to political suicide for the GOP.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, Democrats will not only win the White House, but also seize the Senate and House of Representatives. While Donald Trump said “there might be riots” if he’s nominated, I can guarantee Hillary or Bernie will defeat Trump.

The numbers don’t lie – most predictions have Donald losing to Hillary by an average of 10.5 points, well within the margin of error. On the flip side, John Kasich beats Hillary by an average of 6.6, a more than 17-point flip. There comes a time when the GOP has to be rational and nominate its last, best option to reclaim the White House.

While John Kasich might not have been my first choice out of the 13 nominees when the race started, he’s by far the best candidate left in the race. John Kasich is the most experienced politician left. Near the end of a very successful second term as the governor of Ohio, Kasich now has his eyes on the biggest prize of them all: The White House.

Unlike Trump or Cruz, Kasich appeals to a much wider base. As the famous saying goes: “as goes Ohio, so goes the nation.” Kasich is one of the most popular governors in the entire nation, winning re-election in a 30-point landslide. As governor, Kasich was very pro-business, cutting taxes by 50 percent for the first $250,000 earned by small businesses.

He also cut income taxes by 10 percent and eliminated the estate tax. On other issues, Kasich is a moderate. He acknowledges climate change exists, supports a ban on assault rifles and has enacted prison reforms, like setting aside over $50 million dollars for addiction treatment for inmates.

Over time, Kasich has proven himself to be level-headed and pragmatic in how he works. He already has a long track record of success in Washington – he served in the House of Representatives for 18 years and was head of the House Oversight Budget Committee for six years.

During his time in the House, Kasich worked with Bill Clinton to balance the federal budget, enact welfare reform and pass an assault rifle ban. Unlike political amateur Trump and first-term Senator Cruz, Kasich has the bipartisan experience we need in Washington.

Nothing is perfect in politics, but it has become clear to me that John Kasich is the Republican Party’s best chance. I hope Kasich will be able to come out on top. If he doesn’t, the Republican Party could be doomed.

University of Georgia