We asked what you think about the new Campus Carry bill

‘It will change the atmosphere of UGA’

House Bill 1060 has college campuses in a frenzy. On Tuesday, the bill allowing students 21 and older with a license to carry a concealed weapon on campus was passed.

The final decision is up to Governor Deal, but college students will have the last words. To see how UGA students felt about this issue, The Tab took to the streets.

We asked them: “Have you heard of the ‘campus carry’ bill?” and “What are your opinions on it?”

Nihar, freshman, International Affairs

“No. I think it’s…I think it’s safe to carry guns but also risky. It will change UGA, but people should be allowed to.”

Amber, junior, Journalism

“Yes. Don’t agree. It’s not safe at all for students to carry guns on campus. I think it’ll definitely make students feel unsafe.”

Fanny, sophomore, Economics

“No, I have not [heard of it]. Oh wait, yes I have. I would not feel safe, no matter if you have a license or not. In our current society, there’s already a lot of tension.”

Rebecca, senior, Dietetics

“Oh, gee. I think students that want to carry should have a license, and if they do, sure. They can carry, I think so. Students will become more aware of their surroundings, and it should be a good buffer to crime.”

Akshay, junior, Biology

“Yeah. I don’t think we need to carry guns as students. I don’t know if it will change UGA. Some people might feel more powerful to bring guns, but I imagine UGA is super chill and there wouldn’t be confrontations.”

Sim, senior, Biology

“Oh yeah, I have heard of that. I don’t particularly favor it. I’m not down for it. I don’t think it will change UGA, but I’ll be on my toes – I don’t know if everyone else will be.”

Shauna, junior, Advertising

“Whoa, I think that’s a terrible idea. Yeah, I do. I feel like it will be crazy, going to class and seeing someone with a gun.”

Campbell, junior, Risk Management

“Yes. I think guns have no place in a college classroom. I think it will. I’ve heard professors saying they would not be comfortable talking about certain controversial issues in class anymore.”

Keeko, junior, Math

“Oh yeah. I think that’s really scary. I didn’t think it was here. I don’t think too much. As time goes on, hopefully it will be normalized.”

Eddie, freshman, Agricultural Engineering

“Yeah, I’ve heard. I haven’t read it though. The Second Amendment is awesome, but mixing guns with alcohol, parties and stress does not sound good. I think it’ll change.”

University of Georgia