Living in the Lower 5 is incredibly underrated

Having a sink in your room is a major key

The most common reaction I get when I tell people I lived in Lipscomb Hall my freshman year is usually: “Why?” While the Lower 5 – Hill, Mell, Lipscomb, Boggs and Church – may not be as wild as the classic freshmen high-rises, they are certainly not lacking in personality.

In fact, there are five major reasons why living in the Lower 5 is completely underrated.

They are proud sponsors of the “Freshman 15”

Let’s be real – it’s a pain in the butt (and for the butt) to have to walk up the dreaded South Lumpkin Street hill every time you want to go to your dorm. Enter the Lower 5, conveniently located at the bottom of the hill with the rest of main campus.

And since you’re already ignoring your figure, you might as well take a quick stroll on over to the nearest dining hall for a snack since the Lower 5 are the closest dorms to the Bolton and OHouse dining commons. The Lower 5: proudly sponsoring the “freshman 15” since 1961.

Somewhat alarming lack of security

With no desk attendant (except for Hill), the Lower 5 lobbies become popular hangout areas for their residents, and something out of the ordinary is always happening. The most exciting part about not having a desk attendant was it gave me the opportunity to unleash my inner laziness.

I never had to walk all the way downstairs to let someone in or have to “claim” my friends when they came over. They just showed up at my door. And if that doesn’t convince you, I once snuck my dog into my dorm room – an impossible feat had there been a desk attendant.

It’s home to the most interesting people you’ll ever meet

The high rises are definitely not for everyone, making the Lower 5 an attractive option for students who aren’t of the partying variety. On more than one occasion, I returned at 2am from a night downtown to find large congregations of people in the dark lobby watching Finding Nemo or playing Modern Warfare.

Oh, and let’s not forget the girl who lived across the hall from me who often dressed in Renaissance clothing and played the lyre in the stairwell for all to hear. Finally and most famously, I have to mention the boy who notoriously kept a pet ferret in his room for half the year without getting caught. Ah, the residents of Lipscomb Hall.

We have overzealous holiday decorations

Do you love getting into the spirit of Christmas? Thanksgiving? First day of spring? If so, the Lower 5 is the place for you. With smaller lobbies and dedicated residents, the Lower 5 goes all out for every holiday.

But the decorations aren’t just limited to boring, traditional Christmas lights. No, for Christmas last year, Lipscomb Hall was graced by the presence of a terrifying, dancing robotic Santa Claus wearing a sombrero. There’s no party like a Lipscomb party, am I right?

The sheer awesomeness of the sink

You never really appreciate the beauty and convenience of a sink until you’re suddenly living without one. I have to say the #1 benefit of living in the Lower 5 is having a sink in your room. I never had to lug my toothbrush all the way down the hall at night.

Making Easy Mac or tea was a breeze when I had a water source conveniently in my room. And cleaning the stains after I spilled the Easy Mac on my futon while watching Netflix? A piece of cake with water just a few steps away.

University of Georgia