We asked what you think about Donald Trump

‘He’s exploiting America’s stupidity’

Based on Super Tuesday, one thing is clear: The Donald is here to stay. He even won today’s primary here in Georgia. Despite saying some of the most obscene and controversial statements ever uttered by a political candidate, Trump’s support has only ballooned.

He has lead almost every poll in every state for months. Trump has bashed everyone and everything – from the Pope to the Super Bowl to even Marco Rubio’s birth credentials (born in the US to immigrant parents).

And still, the greatest Teflon candidate in US political history churns on towards the nomination. There’s a lot of mixed feelings about the Donald right now, so we decided to reach out to UGA’s students for their opinion on Trump.

First off, some students actually like Donald Trump.

Jacob, freshman, Finance

“I support Donald Trump. Out of all the candidates, he most supports my views.”

And a few students LOVED Trump.

Reagan, sophomore, Finance

“I love Donald Trump. He makes more sense than anyone running for president in over a decade. He’s one of the most intelligent candidates since Reagan.”

However, any mention of Trump drew the exact opposite reaction from a lot of UGA’s students.

Parker, freshman, Atmospheric Sciences

“He’s exploiting America’s stupidity. All of his foreign policy is extreme, uneducated and panders to the right wing of the party.”

Harrison, freshman, Biological Sciences

“I think he’s an unelectable candidate. He’s very dangerous to the party. He’s a populist without a plan for action. The media has hyped him up and they’re profiting from his perceived rise and exposure.”

Callie, freshman, Business

“I don’t feel like he’d be a good politician. He can’t back up his lies.”

Margaret, sophomore, Psychology

“I don’t think he’s a good person. He’s really rude.”

Some students appreciate the fact that Trump speaks his mind.

Ryan, sophomore, Sports Management

“He seems genuine to me. He’s willing to say what most politicians won’t, which can be good and bad.”

Chad, freshman, Risk Management

“I like his attitude, but I don’t like his policies. He’s appealing, but I would never vote for him.”

A lot of UGA’s students were passionately anti-Trump.

Chase, freshman, Forestry

“He’s a racist malcontent that’s spewing lies just to get the underbelly of the Republican Party’s vote.”

Helena, senior, Journalism

“I think he was a joke at first, but media overexposure has made him into a real, scary candidate. He’s so wishy washy. I wanna see his policies.”

Hilom, senior, Political Science

“He sucks. His foreign policy is terrible. He’s way too conservative and has no business being president. He’s backed by the KKK.”

A couple of students like some of the things Trump is saying.

Ramey, freshman, Biological Sciences

“I like some of his policies but he goes about it in a harsh way. I think his economic policies will help us get our debt, but won’t help social classes.”

Overall though, the majority of UGA’s students were not fans of Trump.

Michael, junior, Film Studies

“I don’t like him at all. He’s full of hot air. He repeats the same five hateful things, like building a wall or banning Muslims, yet has no plans for any of it.”

Abby, freshman, Human Development and Family Science

“I don’t like him. His immigration policies are bad. People like his brash nature, but I really think he’s a joke that’s gone too far.”

Despite everyone’s best efforts, Trump continues on towards the nomination. Will Rubio or Cruz be able to stop him? Only time will tell.

University of Georgia