How to spend your Saturdays now that football season is over

Wake up early, make some coffee and put ABBA on blast

Saturdays are a lot less exciting when you spend six in a row on the couch binge-watching The X-Files. Especially when football season is over.

But lucky for you, we have a guide for making your free day full of little adventures.

9am: Breakfast with music

Wake up early enough to make yourself some coffee. Music has been shown to inspire creativity, solve problems and reduce pain. It may be helpful to listen to songs from your childhood, because music can bring back emotional memories. Emotional strength will help you start off the day the right way.

10am: Try something new

This is where it gets personal. Trying something new opens the possibility for discovering an unknown enjoyment, a key to melting that February funk. Need some inspiration? Try making a “Little Thrill List.”

12pm: Sushi lunch

Take advantage of the workings of Fish Oil and Vitamin D that combat depression. The nutrients can be found in fatty fishes like tuna, salmon and mackerel. A sushi lunch at Utage or Ru San’s will cover the bases. Nom. Nom.

1pm: Master a craft

Go Pinterest shopping for some DIY ideas for your afternoon. Nothing increases self worth like seeing what you can make with your own two hands.

Plus, learning a new skill can keep the brain active and distract you from the lack of football. There are countless home decor ideas, gift making ideas and online tutorials for drawing, woodworking, or sewing. Find out how to make a magazine bowl, old t-shirt rug, or a homemade snow globe from mason jars.

5pm: Make a friend at yoga

Win-win-win. It’s a fact that activity fights depression, and yoga practices have been proven to improve mood and provide stress relief. Also, challenging yourself to meet someone new can be empowering. New friendships can also open doors for all kinds of opportunities.

8pm: Zoolander pasta party

Invite a friend or two – or the whole neighborhood block. Comedy is a depression killer. Going through the motions of smiling and laughing actually convinces your brain you are happy.

Zoolander 2 just came out, too. Pair the movie with gluten free, veggie-based, saucy, fried, buttered, tangled, or whatever noodles your friends are into these days. Studies have shown that turning to comfort food can improve overall sense of well being, not to mention the added benefits of spending time with those you hold dear.

Get pumped for next season.

University of Georgia