What I’ll miss most about Athens while I’m studying abroad

‘Definitely Athens Bagel – I know I’ll be missing that’

As I get ready to spend the next four months in Europe, I can’t help but reminisce on everything I will miss about Athens, GA. Athens is the quintessential college town, complete with quirky coffee houses, a beautiful north campus and a vibrant downtown scene.

Especially in the spring time, Athens is everything a college town should be and more.

The people

When I think about what I’ll miss most, the people in Athens are probably the first thing that comes to mind. Even beyond my group of friends, I know I’ll miss how friendly everyone is. Professors are always ready to help their students in any way possible and are happy to do so. And with so much to do in Athens, it’s never hard to meet someone new.

Spring parties

One of my favorite parts about Athens is the spring parties coming up this semester. On these Saturdays, students congregate on the lawn of whatever fraternity is hosting a party. These daylong parties, complete with live music and hotdog stands, are not for the faint of heart.

The downtown scene

I have yet to visit another college town’s night life that rivals Athens. With over 100 bars, there certainly isn’t a lack of options. How many college towns can boast bars stocked with video games, or are home to two different breweries? Creature Comforts Athena is my personal favorite.

The downtown scene has a lot more than just bars. Shopping, music and good food dominate Clayton Street. Good luck getting to the rooftop bar of the Georgia Theatre on any spring Saturday.

Although Europe is full of indulgent and delicious foods, I know there will come a day when all I want is some queso and chips from Taqueria del Sol. Or Uptown Shrimp from Five Bar. Definitely Athens Bagel, though. I know I’ll be missing that.

University of Georgia