We asked UGA guys about their Oscar nominations

And they’re all over the place

Now that the film industry is in award season, I figured there would be no better time to ask students about their picks for the upcoming Academy Awards.

I asked a few Georgia gentlemen about their picks for “Best Picture.” Often the most polarizing award, I could think of no other awards more deserving of the public’s attention.

Andrew, senior, Finance

“With this new adaptation of the Mad Max series blowing away any of the earlier films starring Mel Gibson and director George Miller – although I doubt he will, given the way the Academy views films that fall into the action genre – deserves the nod for Best Director.”

Andrew votes: Mad Max: Fury Road

Bradley, senior, Finance

“The fact that The Hateful Eight was not even nominated was an absolute farce.”

Bradley votes: The Hateful Eight

Tripp, senior, Computer Science

“The nominees this year seem to me as a weak year of films. I am actually pretty shocked The Martian is even up for this particular award because I found it to be pretty boring and the science of it all to be a bit too farfetched for my liking.”

Tripp votes: The Revenant

Jack, senior, Finance

“The Big Short is told in a very unique and fresh way that does a good job unifying both elements of drama and comedy without ever leaning too far in either direction.”

Jack votes: The Big Short

William, senior, Finance

“The Big Short gave me a funny, albeit not always accurate, look into the world I am hoping to enter come graduation time.”

William votes: The Big Short

Eric, senior, English

“The End of the Tour was the best picture, easy. It possessed beautiful dialogue and provided a fantastic glimpse into one of the greatest lost artists of our time.”

Eric votes: The End of the Tour

University of Georgia