Joe Biden plans to partner with UD after VP term is up

From VP to UD

Joe Biden has been our beloved VP for eight years now. That’s eight years in the White House under constant scrutiny with an extremely public and taxing job. You might think that after this immense stress and the tragic loss of his son that he may feel the need for, at the very least, a break from work and life itself to sit back and spend his time at home with loved ones.

Well it turns out that Joe is not a flip flops and mojito type of guy. While nothing has been officially released or set in stone, there are plans for Vice President Biden to partner with the University of Delaware on domestic and economic policy. These are clearly topics that he has earned the right to consider himself an expert on after not only being our Vice President but also representing the state of Delaware in the senate for 36 years.

Commencement Exercises 2004. 4/29/04
Photo; Kathy F. Atkinson

So what does this mean? As a political science minor and a student at UD, my dream is for Professor Biden to come out of the woodwork with some killer slides and clicker questions, but that’s just a blissful fantasy.

As everyone who goes to UD knows, Joe Biden was part of the class of 1965 and has maintained close ties with our University. He was recently on campus for President Assanis’s inauguration, and has spoken at multiple graduation ceremonies.

Of course as the busy and driven man that is Joe Biden, this is not his only plan once his time in the Oval Office comes to a close. His course of action is also aiming at work with UPenn on foreign policy, as well as intentions to continue on with the Cancer Moonshot through the Biden Trust. So while he may be out of the White House, Joe is just getting started.

University of Delaware