Everything I wish I could have told high school me

‘Old friends will fade’

Here are 7 of the best possible warning signs I came up with, because you have no idea what’s about to hit you once you head off to college.

Nothing is going to be exactly the same, ever again

It didn’t dawn on me until the first time I came home from college freshman year that nothing was ever going to be the same. High school was done forever, which was hard to believe. I knew I would never live with my family under the same roof for longer than a few months again.

Mom and dad aren’t there to help 24/7

As a freshman, I had so many issues (as a junior now, I’m on top of my shit, kind of) they kept piling up! I felt so overwhelmed with unnecessary stuff: registering for classes, roommate drama, whatever it was, I would call the rents for help. However, the ‘college experience’ isn’t just partying and having a good time (although it’s a huge part), it’s about figuring out how to handle yourself and learning how to take responsibility when life throws you a curve ball, or seven.

Old friends will fade

It’s hard to believe you can grow distant from some of your best friends from high school. You would see them every day and plan to meet up in between classes and sit with each other during free periods goofing around. You would never think that you would drift, but it’s hard to keep up with everyone when you’re all spread out, hours and states apart. Some friends will go for good, and others you’ll reunite with when you’re home for breaks and rekindle your beloved friendship.

Who said ‘no new friends?’

This is what college is – meeting NEW PEOPLE! You’re going to like some of them, possibly love or even despise them; that’s really up to you to decide. Maybe you’ll meet your soulmate ~young love is a beautiful thing~ or your best bud. Be friendly and go find a new friend because you can never have too many friends, am I right?

You need to learn how to cook

If you move off campus, you need to figure out how to make something without burning down the kitchen. Unless you eat out every night. That could solve your problem if cooking isn’t your thing. I recommend saving some ‘Tasty’ videos from facebook for meal ideas, they never disappoint. And it’s always good to stock up on anything that is 100% carbs because carbs keep you full and are essential to eat before going out and getting cruunnkkk.

Professors won’t hold your hand

Everyone has that one professor that will never mention when the exams are- BEWARE of these rude people. Take precaution and read the syllabus and highlight important dates! You don’t want to fail because you didn’t look at your classes schedule. These professors will fail you and will not give you the time of day to explain yourself. So just read the damn syllabus.

You’re a nomad

You feel weird because your home isn’t really your home year-round and you keep moving your ample loads of stuff back and forth. It’s honestly exhausting, but you’ll get used to it because that’s how it is for now!

University of Delaware