All of the best places to study and grab coffee on Main Street

Because caffeine makes everything better

Tired of spending all of your time in Club Morris? Grab your books and head to one of these locations for a far more pleasant studying experience.

Barnes and Noble

This is a great place to bring your books and get crackin’. Barnes and noble has awesome lighting and it’s not super loud as well. There’s the cafe too, so you can order a tasty drink or sandwich, claim a table, and camp out for the day. Also when it’s nice out, they have some seating outside. However it’s limited, so first come first serve! My favorite part about Barnes is that they’re super festive! Around the holidays they decorate. It really brings me true joy inside to see a Christmas tree and Menorah lit in the window. And they play Christmas music which really gives you the holiday feels.

Panera Bread

So you might think that Panera is only for post-dage mac and cheese (which is amazing), but you can also be studious here! There’s so much seating so that’s one thing you won’t have to worry about. Especially if you live near/ on Main street, this is a lot closer than the library is. Since it’s getting chilly out, reconsider that dreadful walk to the library. Panera it is. Plus, there’s a nice fireplace which gives it a cozy atmosphere.


First off, you gotta love saying the same ‘Brewhaha,’ because it’s fun to say! Seriously, BrewHaHa is adorable! There’s definitely a lot of seating here since it’s mainly a coffee shop, but they do have some delicious sandwiches as well. There’s a rustic feel inside, while the outside feels like you’re on a NYC patio looking out at the traffic on a busy street, except you’re just looking at some parking lot and East Delaware Ave (not as exciting as NYC, but it’s something). However, if this is your first time checking out this fab place, keep in mind there are stairs to climb. It’ll give you a mini workout before consuming your frappe.


Obviously you come here for coffee, but Starbs is a really fun place to study too- I can’t believe I just said ‘fun’ and ‘study’ in the same sentence. They have that long communal table in the middle, with outlets of course (very important to charge up your devices) and then those cool countertops that line the outside of the cafe. I must note that you shouldn’t plan to have group meetings here since there isn’t that much space. I suggest you come here solo or with a friend, get that pumpkin spice latte and get to work.

America runs on Dunkin

Dunkin Donuts! This is a nice Dunkin, considering they recently renovated. Pop a squat in those comfy chairs or booths while sipping your caramel swirl latte and type that essay up. You can always count on D.D. for a sugary donut as well and they make your coffee surprisingly fast in this location which is much appreciated for busy college students like ourselves!

Central Perk

If you come here to study you probably love the T.V. show Friends because it’s the iconic coffee shop where Rachel, Ross, Chandler, Monica and Phoebe hang on the reg. However, no Central perk will ever be as cool as the one from friends. This one here on Main Street takes a close second for silver. There’s good vibes in here aka good for doing some homework. I recommend trying the Avo on Focaccia sandwich. It’s a wonderful sandwich that can cure your monday blues. They also have bubble tea, many other types of tea/coffee, and lots of different, but interesting foods. You’ve gotta check out central perk for sure.

University of Delaware