The must-see places on and around campus at UD in the autumn

If you didn’t have a photo-shoot on The Green, do you really go here?

The Green

Obviously. I mean, just look at it: miles and miles of fresh cut, luscious lawn. Those magnificent trees! The gorgeous, Georgian façade and Corinthian pillars of Gore Hall! The Green is the perfect place to relax in the shade, sip your pumpkin-spiced whatever, and admire the fall foliage. If you didn’t have a photo-shoot with your friends somewhere on The Green in the fall, do you really go to UD?

Newark Reservoir

Located on Old Paper Mill Road, approximately a ten-minute walk from Main Street, this reservoir is ideal for fall appreciation. You can bring your significant other to take a leisurely stroll and skip rocks or something. Go with a friend, run a mile and breathe in the crisp autumn air. Heck, go by yourself and reflect on why you’re so alone. Whatever your reason to go, the Reservoir is a beautiful view in the fall.

White Clay Creek

I’ve gotta say, I rode my bike there the other day and couldn’t believe I was in Newark (no shame to Newark, but it’s no Yosemite). I felt like fricken Thoreau. It was perfectly quiet except for the crunching of leaves, which is—let’s be honest—THE best seasonal sound. If you’re looking for a place to clear your mind outside, get to White Clay before it becomes White Cray-zy cold.

The Harrington Turf

Either I’m biased because I lived in Redding freshman year, or I just really like the colors of these trees – the Harrington Turf looks like the definition of college in fall. If you live/lived on East Campus, you definitely don’t/didn’t appreciate this location enough. The contrast between the reds, greens, and blues is stunning, and any Art Major knows RGB is key, baby.

Scroll Circle 

I was originally going to refer to this area as the Kirkbride, Ewing, Smith, Purnell Roundabout, but I knew it was special enough to have a real name. Scroll Circle is great because it’s just far enough to tune out Kirkbride Jesus’ bible lessons and still be able to admire the colors and sounds of autumn. Walking up this leafy brick path will make you feel like you walked into a pop-up fairytale about UD in fall.


University of Delaware