I’m just trying to get to class: the chronicles of a UD student

‘No I don’t want your bible’

Canners For UDance

No doubt, canners are great, they stand outside in the cold, the rain, and the snow to ask all of campus to donate to the B+ Foundation. That’s pretty generous and dedicated of them.

However, every time I walk by and don’t donate, I feel like an ass. “Sorry, I don’t have one measly dollar to help those suffering from pediatric cancer.”

Truth: I do donate, but if I donated to every single canner I would be broke. Hell, I’m a college student, donating to one canner sends me into debt (worth it for the kids, but debt nonetheless). Basically, canners make you feel the guilt of an Irish Catholic on a Sunday, even if you donated a block and a half back.

Petitioners on the Green

Again, people standing outside in the cold, the snow, and the rain to get signatures to stop the sex trade or get some political prisoner out of a jail deep in the forests of South East Asia (maybe?).

Now I usually take a glance at one of the posters, get the gist, and jot down my signature. Writing down my name is the literal least that I could possibly do to help a good cause. But at the same time, why aren’t I helping the greater good?

Why is the most productive thing I’ve done in my life applying half-way-decent eyeliner? Basically, why do I suck?

Kirkbride (and now occasionally CR) Jesus

Religion is cool if that’s what you’re into. Religion is cool if you’re not shouting it at people through a megaphone.

Religion is cool if you’re using it for peace and kindness. Religion is not cool if you’re telling me I’ll probably go to Hell while I’m just trying to make it to my Intro to Law exam without crying.

Sometimes Kirkbride Jesus has some quality advice, but don’t mess with me on a Monday morning. Please.

Overly aggressive squirrels

If you go to the University of Delaware, chances are you’ve heard about or encountered these squirrels.

Basically, they are very comfortable around humans. They’ll come right up to you. They’ll walk next to you on your way to class. Or, they’ll dash between your feet and cause you to spill your coffee down the front of your pink sweater (I swear that little beast laughed).

Leave me alone squirrels, I’m just trying to get to class.

University of Delaware