Loving the little luxuries: Missing a fresh mani

Every girl needs a fresh coat of polish

Living away from home as a college student leaves many young people devoid of simple luxuries, usually taken for granted.  One of my most valued luxuries at home was getting a manicure approximately every two weeks.

Whether you’re a college student like myself or a young adult moving to a new city, any girl who has ever made a strong connection with her dedicated manicurist can understand the agony of raggedy nails. Studying, tackling homework, getting ready for a formal, or even typing up an article for The Tab can be a tough task without a fresh coat of paint!  

Going to the nail salon can easily be taken for granted before you are forced to leave your beloved manicurist behind. My girl Sonny even got me birthday gifts (including an adorable Kawaii pair of headphones) and I would bring her chocolate and candy from my work before she would go on trips back home to Korea.  Every time I return home for a break or when I go home for a weekend, I do not see my friends from high school or various relatives first — no, I go to see my closest friend: Sonny.

(Here she is: the woman, the myth, the legend–Instagram after Instagram shared with the tag “#ThanksSonny” led to endless requests for a photo of the woman behind the mani.  I sneakily snapped a picture as she pampered another customer.)

Here is what I have realized from countless visits to my favorite nail salon in my hometown:

You will learn to be flexible

It has been the ultimate struggle in learning how to half-ass a manicure.  The nails on your dominant hand will never be as neat as the nails on the other, and as hard as you try to evenly file them, you come to the realization that when they look just close enough, you can give up.  After hours of watching a trained manicurist’s meticulously-perfected routine, you still won’t be able to imitate it.

You will never learn fully learn the Korean language, but you will learn the word “princess”

Ah, yes.  Despite your attempts to decode a foreign language, you know when they’re talking about you, or your color choice, or how you started picking off your gel manicure.  My apologies to the hyper-sensitive reader.  (Actually, I’m not that sorry: it is well-known that the majority of manicurists in North Jersey and New York City area are Korean.)

You will perfect the “bear claw”

In order to Instagram or Snapchat a picture after leaving the salon,  you need to learn the ideal angle to show off your latest mani.  It is of the utmost importance to capture the beauty the moment you leave the salon and share it on your favorite social media outlet.  (How else would your friends know you that your nails have been freshly filed and painted without photographic proof?)

Be bold

Whether you make a statement with your outfit or accessories, one trend that will never go out of style can be a signature nail color.  You’ve probably used up more of the OPI Red or The Thrill of Brazil polishes than any other customer.  

No matter what’s going on in your life, you’ll always find your way back home

The state of New Jersey is notorious for its plethora of strip malls, each fully stocked with its own Dunkin’ Donuts, dry cleaners, 7/11 or Quick Check, and of course, a nail salon.  These are the core four elements to a prosperous strip mall and you’ll immediately be back in your element the moment you roll into the salon with a medium iced coffee in hand.  

All in all, pampered princesses such as myself sometimes take the little things for granted before saying goodbye to our hometowns and heading out for a new place, so don’t forget to show some love to your beloved manicurist (who also may know more secrets about your life than some of your closest friends) the next time you head home.

University of Delaware