Big pet on campus: Meet Riley, the cutest Bernie supporter in IV

The hottest endorsement at UCSB

As Bernie-mania sweeps the nation, it seems that everyone is getting caught up in the frenzy. We sat down with Riley, one of Bernie’s biggest, and cutest fans.

Riley, who enjoys long walks on the beach and hopes one day to enjoy college education told us: “Please empathize with me on this first one reader. I want to go to college, but being a dog, I have no money.

“Bernie says he’s going to make tuition free at public colleges and universities because everyone who studies hard should be able to go to college regardless of income. Everyone has to include dogs, right?”

My typing speed once averaged the letter F 400 times a minute. 


College ready!

Coming from a ruff background, Riley would struggle to afford school off his own back. she said: “I’m 9 months old and both of my owners are full time students. I see other puppies my age going to puppy school, but my owners are busy paying for their  own education and don’t have enough money to send me to puppy school.

“Everyone tells me I’m cute and jokes about my low IQ, but if I don’t learn soon, I’m going to be behind for the rest of my life.”

But Riley isn’t just concerned with school. On labor rights, she said: “Me and Charlie both agree that we should be getting more treats and longer walks. And even though we can bark all night and refuse to come inside at the end of our walk, right now there’s no bill helping us unite and seek the changes we want.

“Bernie is fighting for the Employee Free Choice Act, making it easier for workers to join unions and collectively bargain for better wages and benefits. Me and Charlie are all bark, but no bill!”

Healthcare is another huge issue for Riley as well as Bern.  Having first-hand experience of the US healthcare system Riley feels we need some changes.

she said: “I had to go to the vet the other day and I heard the doctor say he wanted to do $500 worth of tests on me… that’s the same price as like 2,000 dog treats!

“If Bernie were president, healthcare would be a universal right and that $500 could go towards a dog house built entirely of treats… or hundreds of new tennis balls… Or if you’re not a dog like me, think of having all the money the healthcare system takes away from you to spend on all your needs and desires.”

Did someone say fetch?!

Arguably the most personal issue on Bernie’s agenda, and one that directly affects dogs like Riley is his promise to sign into law the Equality Act, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, and any other bill that prohibits discrimination against LGBT people.

Riley said: “Having a house full of girls raising me/multiple mommies, and being well known around Isla Vista as a perfect child, I don’t even understand how this isn’t already a basic human right? But humans these days don’t make much sense to me.

“Luckily Bernie is here to keep them on track and make the world the place it should have been a long time ago. And these seven things aren’t even the beginning of all the great things Bernie is going to do!

People and the media have spent endless time contemplating this presidential election, but that contemplation can now be put to rest because a dog has finally chosen to endorse a presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders.


And don’t forget, a vote for Bernie is a vote for Riley.


UC Santa Barbara