Who does UConn want for president?

No one can agree

Diverse. The only word to describe the political climate at the University of Connecticut.

Some students support Donald Trump and his bold demeanor to change the country and “Make America great Again.” Other students can’t stand Donald and would rather have Hillary. Some simply just can’t make up their mind.

Whatever the case may be, UConn is not a one-sided school. We asked ten UConn students of different ages and majors to share who they are voting for this upcoming Presidential election and their reasons why they are choosing that candidate.

Alli Sedler, sophomore finance major, said Hillary Clinton’s political experience will drive this country to greatness.

She said: “She is the most qualified because she served as Secretary of State. Her close relationships with Obama will help her settle in immediately. Her connections with Congress will help build on the progress Obama has already made.”

Justin Donath, junior Management/Engineering for Manufacturing major, said he feels the opposite and plans to vote for Donald Trump.

“Trump puts all irrelevant notions aside; modern political correctness, religion, race, etc., when deciding political action. He’s stern, transparent and doesn’t change his stance. He genuinely cares to uphold what America was founded upon.”

However, some students have trouble choosing their ideal, next president.

Kyle Barry, junior Computer Science major said, “I’m still undecided. I’m trying to see who the candidates will be and hear out their stances on certain issues.”

Like Kyle, Maxwell Skalski, sophomore Finance major, said he is unsure who to vote for because the (projected) two candidates are very controversial.

He added: “Neither candidate (Clinton or Trump) seems to really unite the country as a whole and bring people together. One of the main jobs of the President is to act as a figure head that others can trust and support as the leader of this country.”

Ashley Schuler, senior Political Science major, is also undecided, but only between Clinton and Sanders.

“I dislike Trump. I like Bernie because he’s more trustworthy, but his ideas are extremely radical. Hillary has better ideas economically. Between the (projected) two of Hillary and Trump, I would choose Hillary.”

Patrick Pang, senior Finance major, said he dislikes all the candidates and is worried for the United States: “I’m hoping they all disappear and new candidates are selected.”

Even Brian Chung, senior Economics major, said all of the candidates are not worthy of being President. However, he has someone else in mind.

“I would like to see Gary Johnson (past New Mexico governor and Libertarian party nominee) be the next President because he is the only true fiscal conservative which is something I care deeply about. His record speaks for itself!”

After speaking with Bernie Sanders supporters, it’s clear there is a strong sense of passion in their voices listening to them explain why he will be the next, best U.S. President.

Julia Silverstein, junior Philosophy major, gave me an in-depth, political manifesto while describing Sanders policies to benefit college students.

“Bernie want’s a $15 minimum wage and tuition-free, public universities. I’m already going to run out of money to pay for college and I’m only a junior. I’m also an only child of a middle class family. It’s way too expensive to go to school,” she said.

Silverstein compared Sander’s college affordability polices to Clinton’s.

“Last I heard, Hillary wanted a $10 minimum wage and a system where college would be cheaper. That’s ridiculous because students will be forced to get a job (while in college) to make up for that.

She continued: “It’s already enough stress trying to keep up my school work. Now I am forced to work a certain amount of hours a week. A heavy school-work load PLUS a heavy job workload is just too much on a student.”

Paul Wetteman, junior Sports Management major, said he feels that some of Bernie ideas may not get passed by Congress, but trust with the American people will override the ideas.

Paul said, “I do not believe he is fake, untrustworthy, or deceitful-I believe he is a man who truly means what he says and cares about the Average American. Those traits alone are what makes a worthy President.”

Brandon Martinez, senior Journalism major, said he feels Sander’s trustworthy ways will benefit the American people.

“He has fresh new ideas that I think will take time to develop,” Martinez said. “It will take some time to work. Those ideas will help benefit everyone.”

Grace Gagnon, junior Communications major, said Sanders got her vote due to his stance on environmental issues.

“The biggest thing I look for in a candidate is what they can do to help the environment. His policies are geared toward a sustatinable future which is something I agree on.”

So there it is, 10 UConn people, 10 thoughts on the election. There doesn’t seem to be a consensus – what do you think?

University of Connecticut