The best places to cry on UC Berkeley campus

For your midterm and post-midterm feels

Have you had more than one midterm in a week? Have you ever spilled coffee over that 10 page paper at the last minute? Have you sat in a puddle of tears and reflected on the sad reality that is your life?

It’s midterm season at Cal and whether you’re already done or have more tests to go, we have come up with a little guide to help you through this difficult time and navigate you quickly to cry-spots.

The beautiful stairs in South Hall 

I mean, how can you not cry around all this beauty?

In Eshleman 

At least the stench of midterms is masked by coffee.

On a ledge in the Hearst Gym

I don’t even know how I got up here…

Surrounded by nature on Memorial Glade

Where you can hear the Campanile ring away the hours before your next midterm.

In front of Doe

Instead of actually going in here and studying you can just, you know, cry…in the rain…

As you read the Daily Cal

What better way to cry, than while you procrastinate?

At North Gate

And totally embarrass yourself in front of the journalism students.

And finally, with the bathroom graffiti

There’s tons of vegan rant graffiti to keep you company as you bawl your eyes out.

Basically, it’s okay to cry. Midterm season is tough, and you’ve earned a few tears. No one is going to judge you. And, even if they do, it’s only because they want to cry themselves.

So pick a corner, a bench, or a heavily annotated bathroom stall and let the tears roll.

UC Berkeley