Do you feel safe at Berkeley after six armed robberies in a week?

One student said wearing Cal merchandise could make you a target

Over the past week, there have been six reported armed robberies in the vicinity of the UC Berkeley campus.

One man was robbed at gunpoint in front of Cory Hall late Saturday night. He was approached while sitting at a bus stop on his laptop. According to the crime report, the suspect sat down next to the male victim before revealing a semi-automatic handgun and demanding the laptop.

A second man was robbed via simulated firearm by a group of men near 2607 Ellsworth early Sunday morning. The man reportedly was approached while talking on his cellphone.

Both of these robberies near the UC Berkeley campus followed an armed robbery Friday in South Berkeley, as well as two near the intersection of Le Conte and LeRoy avenues.

The recent string of armed robberies has highlighted issues and questions of safety facing both students and the local community.

So, we asked students and campus community members their thoughts and feelings on the state of campus safety.

Emma, a 21-year-old History major spoke about precautions she takes, saying: “I try not to wear Berkeley identified clothing at night.”

“Safety is really about being more conscious of your surroundings…You look like a target with your phone or computer out. It’s like saying: ‘Hey! I’ve got a lot of money.” She went on to add, “you should always be totally aware of whats going on around you and where you’re going.”

Next, Kelsey, 22, History said: “ I have become more cautious since they sent out alerts [about the armed robberies].” As for precautionary measures, Kelsey said that she “always tries to take the Bear transit at night rather than walk” and“I typically don’t bring my computer to school unless I have to for class.”

When asked about using electronics during the day, Monica, 21, Molecular and Environmental Biology major, said, “During the day its generally fine, but at night I would never do this.”

Next, we spoke with Irene, a 25-year-old graduate student in Public Health and City Planning.

When we asked Irene about the potential for having her stuff pinched, Irene responded, “I don’t worry much about getting robbed, though I’ve heard a little about it in passing. I’ve mainly been tuning it out.”

Mathew, a 28-year-old veteran now studying English, echoed Irene’s sentiments on the recent string of robberies: “ Im a Vet and don’t go out much, but when I do I’m not really worried. I used to live in Sacramento and San Diego, and I feel Berkeley is the safest of the three. I don’t really ever bring my computer on campus either.”

However, other community members were more worried about the safety of their local neighborhoods. Chase, 18, Environmental Biology Major, said: “As a resident of Foothill, it makes me question the safety of our nearby community.” The concern is understandable, as multiple robberies occurred on the north side of campus, nearby the Foothill Dorms.

Darbi, 24, English major stated, “Yeah, I think its safe at campus. I feel there are enough people around most of the time that nothing will happen. I live In Oakland, and thats where I feel it is less safe.” Darby added, “The sexual assaults around campus are what really concerns me, especially for the girls.”

Finally, we spoke to a UC Berkeley employee who preferred to remain anonymous. He said, “I live in Oakland and I am only here during the day, but I feel safe because there is always people around. Although, I don’t ever work outside on my computer, or feel comfortable walking with my electronics out.”

He added, “The faculty has definitely been talking about the robberies, since we all get the crime alerts.”

Overall, students are not worried about their safety during the day at UC Berkeley. However, it is clear that many are taking precautions at night to prevent being robbed.

Make sure that in the meantime you are aware and conscious of your surroundings, and do not have your electronics out while on campus at night!

Be Safe, Bears!

UC Berkeley