Berkeley students are covering campus with Harambe tributes

‘Haramberry fields forever’

Whatever you think about the scandal surrounding our generation’s most famous primate, the memorials for Harambe around Berkeley’s campus are hard to miss.

You might see epitaphs scrawled on the walls of campus bathrooms.

Found in men’s bathroom in Wurster Hall

Or flamboyant messages in our school’s colors.

Found on Dwight and Fulton in Berkeley

Maybe his name is proudly displayed in an aisle at Target.

Target in Emeryville

Or memorialized in post-it notes on a dorm window.

Found in Unit 3 Priestley

Perhaps his recognizable profile is the foundation of a fraternity rush poster.

Or his name is lightly penciled onto a residence hall birthday list.

Found in Clark Kerr dorms

Maybe he is immortalized in masking tape in the courtyard.

Found in Clark Kerr dorms

Let me take you down, ’cause we’re going to…

Found in Clark Kerr dorms

And, at long last, a Facebook event has been created titled “Candlelight Vigil for Harambe,” to be held at 8pm on September 28th.

The description reads, “On the 4 month anniversary of his death, let us all whip out candles, as well as our dicks, to commemorate the beautiful creature which was Harambe on Sproul Hall.”

UC Berkeley