Inspiring bathroom graffiti to help get you through finals week

We’ll be fine. Because birds are singing. And reasons

Finals areĀ no joke here at Berkeley. Cramming an entire semester of information into a three hour test worth 1/3 of your grade is pretty stressful, to say the least. And we try to play it cool! It’s just a test (or five), right? It’s not the end of the world! Right?

To prove it to you, here is a selection of inspirational messages taken from the women’s bathroom outside of the auditorium in the Valley Life Sciences Building:

Bravery. Yeah. I can do this. The birds will sing tomorrow no matter what grade I get. They’re probably singing right now even.

Okay, so maybe we’re not quite as prepared for the test as we’d like to be. Or at all. It’s fine. Birds are singing, remember? ALL is still right with the world.

See? We might actually remember what we learned! Now, if only this will hold true for the next three hours.

Finals are literally not the end of the world. They are not the end of the world. They are not the end…

Nevermind. We’re all doomed.

Good luck, Bears!

UC Berkeley