Everything I wish I’d known before my freshman year at Tulane

‘Take the streetcar, eat fried alligator, hit a strip club’

College: we’ve been preparing for it our whole lives, and it’s finally here. Entering freshman year is exciting, but can be filled with anxiety and apprehensions for many.

In order to make your freshman year a little more approachable, I’m going to give you a few pieces of advice that I wish I had been given before starting my first semester at Tulane.

Everybody feels a bit lost at the beginning

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College is a huge change. Going from the comfort of your home and having your parents, to being on your own in a new environment can be difficult – really difficult. Trying to make friends at the same time only adds to the challenge. But don’t feel alone – everyone is going through the same thing.

Unless you’re living at home and all of your friends came to college with you, you’re in the same boat as everyone else. It will take time, but it will get better. I promise.

Don’t feel weird about branching out

Tulane’s campus is filled with people from all over the country and world. It’s a great opportunity to talk with and learn from people that come from a different background than you. College is an opportunity to open your mind beyond what you’ve known your entire life. Everybody is feeling shy, but if you reach out first, people will warm to you.

I’m from New York, which is where most people from my year are also from. However, my best friends at school are from all over – Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chattanooga, Chicago – and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Take advantage of the city outside of your campus

There’s no city in the world quite like New Orleans. Its unique blend of culture, food, and festivities makes it an unparalleled college city. I guarantee you that none of your friends that go to school in bumblefuck Pennsylvania can say that when they walk around the city (or town) there’s live music and open-container laws on every corner.

Forgo the temptation to stay on Tulane’s beautiful campus, and explore what’s around you. Take the streetcar, eat fried alligator, maybe even hit a strip club; the possibilities are endless and so unique, and we only get four years to enjoy them.

Going to The Boot every night will not help your grades

Let’s not forget the real reason we’re here: academics. You’ve worked so hard to get into an awesome school, don’t stop now. I know it’s tempting to walk just a little further than Howie T and into The Boot every night, but your grades will suffer.

Believe me, skipping 50 cent shot night every once in awhile is way better than bombing that huge test. There’s always time to party in New Orleans, so the phrase ‘work hard, play hard’ definitely rings true.

This is a clean slate for you to be whoever you want 

It’s a new chance to change what you didn’t like about high school, because it’s not high school. With no petty gossip and social hierarchies, it’s easy to make college what you want it to be. There is something for everyone, there are people for everyone, and there’s a place for everyone.

You’re starting over completely new, so make it an unforgettable four years.
