Why do people cause a scene everytime they drink?

Can you even drink brah?

It’s a Friday night, and you’ve had an awful week. To make everything better you’re going to go out for what should be an awesome fucking night. But what actually happens is you start with a couple drinks, maybe take a half a bar (whatever, whatever), drink some more, black out, start hysterically crying, make a huge scene at the bar, tell everyone all of your problems, feel like shit, throw up in the bar, get kicked out of the bar, keep vomiting, make your friends take care of your drunk ass, and wake up with angry sent text messages you don’t remember sending and the worst hangover of all time to top off your shitty week.

Going out is supposed to be fun. Drinking is supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to lighten the mood and make people more social not more depressed.

But on a regular night out, at the very least, one friend will do one of the following: Get lost, lose their wallet/phone/bag, start crying, get into a fight, start a fight, get in trouble (probably for being violent and throwing chairs), get physically hurt, piss themselves, or vomit somewhere that isn’t a toilet or garbage.

When you think of drama you automatically think of women, but it doesn’t only happen to girls. With alcohol, I’d argue it’s the men who cause more of an issue. There’s a built up rage with this “LET’S FUCKING GO” attitude that turns quickly from getting fucked up to anarchy. From beating the crap out of each other, to punching walls, or my personal favorite –  throwing chairs. Why do boys love to physically fuck shit up? 

When I asked an array of sophomores if they thought blacking out was inconsiderate the majority of them said yes, but the boys of Phelps were hesitant to say yes right away. At first they actually said no, and then later changed their minds realizing blacking out frequently results with someone having to be responsible for you. These are also guys who will drink to the point of pissing themselves, being unconscious, and throwing up involuntarily so it makes sense why they would be hesitant to admit their own behavior could be inconsiderate.

While none of these particular boys tend to cause emotional drama (meaning they don’t pick fights or cry), they did talk about their friend who is an “aggressive and violent” drunk. The boys all agreed alcohol amplifies his aggression and is his outlet, they then went on to say you can tell how someone is going to act drunk by how they act sober.

I asked the boys if they had talked to their friend about his actions, and they told me they had multiple times. This kid doesn’t give a fuck. Apparently he enjoys being an asshole and was even heard saying, “I love getting blackout drunk and just being way too aggressive and being a dick to everyone.” 

Forget the gender stereotypes: Alcohol makes people angry and sad.

When one of my best (girl) friends came to visit she started hysterically crying at a party and told us we were being weird for NO REASON. She kept saying “YOU GUYS ARE BEING WEIRD”, was balling her eyes out, called Jacqueline a cunt, and refused to talk to any of us.

Is this actually real? Do people think this is cute? Do people like looking stupid and causing a scene?

For the people who blackout on the regular: Not remembering what you did doesn’t make it any less real for the people who aren’t blackout. We know what you did, and you can’t use blacking out as an excuse for your actions. You are still that person, and you continuously put yourself in that state of mind.

When my friends have black out nights that go wrong, and I tell them how awful of a night they had, they’ll shrug their shoulders and say, “well I was trying to get that fucked up anyway… so I guess I reached my goal.”


How about I held your hair while you vomited AND snuck you out the back door so no one could see you had throw up all over you and were a mess? How about you caused a HUGE scene and cried to everyone at the party, and now everyone knows you’re upset because Jason made out with another girl in front of you and he knew you were there, OR HOW ABOUT THAT YOU RUINED MY NIGHT?

So fuck your goals.

It seems that not only can college students not leave their baggage and stress behind, but they can’t own up to their actions either. The solution to having a night without drama is to not drink so much, but it is evident students don’t want to stop drinking no matter how horrible some of their nights may go.

So if this is the case then students should be more open to getting help. Drinking isn’t going to make any of your problems go away. Having multiple nights filled with fights and tears means something: that you are sad and angry. Stop ignoring your feelings with alcohol. It’s best to try to acknowledge what is making you so upset when you drink and what is happening that is causing you to drink excessively. Once you sort out your anger, frustration, and sadness it will then be much easier to go out and have fun.

But then again, someone else is likely to ruin your night so you might as well just stay home.
