The amazing experience of getting a Big

Let the girl flirting begin

It’s that time of year again. Everyone’s classes are in full swing, it’s the beginning of March, and its almost spring break; so we all know what that means…midterms. Kidding! It’s big/little week at Tulane! Every sorority across Tulane’s campus participates in the exciting, yet somewhat anxiety ridden, process of welcoming a new member to your pham.

So, a little over a month ago new members, such as myself, were welcomed into their sororities.

While still getting to know people in your PC, all of a sudden it’s time to choose your big! The anxiety sets in and you realize you don’t know any older girls so how the heck are you going to choose a big!?!? But it’s ok, because sophomores feel the same way. They don’t know that many younger girls either.

Now everyone starts getting assigned weekly ‘buddies,’ new members get buddies in the PC above them and vice versa, so everyone can get to know each other. About 5 buddies later you have probably girl flirted enough for a lifetime, now it’s time to choose one.

“But what if she didn’t like me?” “What if she likes her other buddies better?” “What if she doesn’t even remember me?” These are common questions heard amongst all during the selection process. However, everyone has to choose.

*stares at computer screen for 3 hours contemplating who to put at the top of your list*

It’s done. Everyone has chosen. While new members are left to resume their daily activities, the older girls must start the tedious, yet sparkly process that is crafting. Let the countless Walmart trips begin.

But wait, there’s more. Older girls also have to buy food, t-shirts, decorations, and bake homemade goodies for their new little. So while the older girls are slaving over their poster boards and inflatable mammals, new members get to walk into these decked-out rooms every day of big/little week!


Three days of coming home to absurd amounts of candy, posters, and t-shirts, it is finally time for reveal! Blindfolded, new members walk into their houses, which are so silent you could hear a pin drop, and are placed standing in front of their phamilies.

“3,2,1 take off your blindfolds!!!”

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, is the only word you, and probably everyone else on campus, will hear for a solid 30 seconds. It is finally over, the waiting is done, the decorating is finished, the stress comes to an end, and now you are left with is 4-5 new girls who love you and are so happy to welcome you into their pham.

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